Rules of Omen Valley

Omen Valley is in the rolling hills of the Southern Prairies of Gor. This is territory of the wagon people, reigned by the habits and customs of the wagon people.


Omen Valley
The Omen valley is situated between some hills. Its a holy place for the wagon people and often you see haruspices at work, reading omens in the livers of fresh slaughtered animals.

In Nomads of Gor its said that Omen Valley is protected by 2000 outriders. They will deal with any raider, thief and so protect the peace and safety of people and property.

Wagon camp
In the wagon camp NE live a few nomads. It are the haruspices who read the omens at the valley altar, the guarding outriders, some supporting free women and several kajirae.  This camp is non combat, non force collar. It's protected by the 2000 outriders.

Turian Outpost
This is destroyed harbor. Here live some miners, dockworkers, she urts. This area is combat. As is the plains around it

Under the Outpost are tunnels, comparable with the Ludmilla's tunnels in Ar. Brothels also, this area is non combat, non collar. She urts and other whoring women can work here also. NB the tunnels have a separate TP entry.

Nomads did not like strangers, mostly they were killed, however many things they can't make them selfs like iron tools and weapons. Some trade took place, trusted traders are allowed in the wagon lager.

------------------ OOC Rules----------------------------------------

Be Gorean or be banned
We accept only Goreans and Gorean behavior. No funny things as furries, demons, vampires, earth clothing, Gothics, bikers, female warriors, bikers, dragons etc.
Also the extreme rude behavior, which is common among pew pew groups, like constant foul language or an attitude of “I do what I like and shit on you”, will not be accepted. We believe in a community concept.

In Character role play
In the Omen Valley everybody must play the chosen Gorean role. So masters are masters and slaves are slaves, not mouthy OOC bitches. Also men are much stronger then women, so if a men grabs a woman at the hair, she is powerless.

Apart from the main camp NE and the tunnels the sim is combat, so wear a GM. Keep in mind that we are a role play sim, and that any attack, raid must have a GOOD role play reason. Any raids for fun, to show you are such a good fighter, or plant a flag will be declared invalid. If you want to raid, take the Raid Entry, otherwise the Trade Point.

Make it real if we are to far south for you then ask your self this "why are we raiding them?" We are nothing but a camp the only riches we have is what we have in the camp.  Any groups raiding the Omen Valley would be strongly encouraged to put the effort of creative RP behind their raids.

Non combat
The sim is part non combat, the NPC Outriders allow no combat in the main camp NE. During events like an omen reading or a market, there will be no combat in the sim. This will be announced at the Entry Wagon.

Force collar
Outside the main camp NE, people can be force collared. All with good role play reason. Cowardly capping people will result in a ban:
- attacking some lone kajirae or free woman in a sim without warrior is dishonorable
- laying in ambush for people visiting the main camp from the peace full entry is the act of the Al Quada, not of Gor

Non Force collar
In the main camp NE there is no force collar for free men and women of the wagon people (including kajirae). Visiting slaves without company of a free can be collared. Free women with an escort will not be collared  (can be NPC escort, but you must RP it, fi hire a guard near the docks).

Free woman.
A FW shall be treated with respect as long as she behaves properly (that means she has to wear a robe and cover her flesh) A FW shall not wear or use other weapons then a whip, slave goad, dagger or needles.
MInd: Free Women of the Wagon People will not join any raiding party at all. Beware Wagon People females are fierce and WILL defend the camp with the them allowed weapons.

Panther - Taluna:
Taluna live close by, just the TaThassa  in between, but if you come, come with a valid story, trade or wanting an omen we mostly accept as such. A random raid not, Hiute Taluna are seen as eternal friends for saving the Kataii in the past.

Slaves are property and not brats. They are not bdsm slaves nor fuck bunnies for all to grab. OOC molesting of slaves will result in a ban. Slaves may use slave weapons.

- We are a role play sim, so people play a role IC only, not OOC.
- this also means no ordering slaves of going into voice, cam, skype.
- no ordering girls to come to the combat zone so you can bypass the protection they have of outriders
- no ordering slaves to go to the tunnels (thats IC city area)
- all ooc issues must be left behind when entering wagon, relax and enjoy the role play
- no insults in IM, though emotes or without proper role play reason IC
- no ooc favoritism, you role play with all here, not only with your boyfriend or those sexy men/slaves
- there will be no Linden payments what ever
- no placing big amounts of prims (we are a homestead), if you need it, rez it, and take back after the role play.
- RP issues can be laid before the sim admins. Their decision is final, even if they may appear irrational for you, this is Gor, we have no democracy, we don't think according Earth conventions..

--------------- Rules of Engagement -----------------

Engagement of role play
Everyone has the right to role-play regardless their character role, everyone is expected to role-play with any one within the camp. If you have an issue with another keep it in character and represent it as part of your storyline.

Do not engage in role-play with anyone that is not suitably dressed within his or her character trait or wearing the provided meter.

In Character
All role players must be in character at all times, this includes wearing the proper attire.

Must be introduced at the beginning of engagement of role-play.

Character background
Due to the location of Omen valley in respect to the Gorean Geography, you are required to have a reasonable explanation as to why you are here.

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