
A panther girl named Violette sneaked into the free woman's wagon, only to be surprised by the yearkeeper Lady Aphris. The attitre of the panther was that of a slave, collared and branded, she was escaped from a master who had capped her. Lady Aphris ordered the panther to kneel and show her true slave nature. After some negotations  it was agreed that the panther would pay 2 precious leem pelts as a ransom. A very good deal since an untrained but auburn haired girl only brings 1 silver at the block, while leem pelts are 1 sliver a piece.|
Lady Aphris cut of a piece of the girls furs, so the herd sleen got the scent of it, and the returning of the outlaw woman was ensured. If she did not returned before first snow, the herd sleen would track and kill her.

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