Free Companionship Kutai & Kai


A Pani comes to Omen Valley to close an Alliance between Omen Valley and the Pani Shogun. To seal the Alliance a companionship will be closed between the Tuchuk Haruspex Kutai and the Pani women, niece of the Shogun, Lady Kai.

Lord Shinji, accompanied by a contract woman named Tang, negotiates about the aliance trade conditions and the dowry. all this in absence of Lady Kai, who has no say in this.

Venerated Lord Kutal
I . Shogun  Daimyo  of The River Alexandr , see very much like a politiska alliance with you and your people, where you can trade free with your product .. and your wonderful trained  kaiila  in my country of 10,000 Samurai  warriors

So I offer you my sister's daughter Lady kai of my nobles bloodlines  to as you says it, put Lady Kai on your saddle
 Lady kai  Dowries as a nobles woman
Disclaimers and Terms  of partnership between Lord kutai  and  Lady kai
if it is dissolve .. it will see as a breaks of the alliance.  Lord kutai have to pay all back to lady Kai famile  and  losing the politiska alliance with Shogun  Daimyo  of The River Alexandr
 if  couple  get  children. the Lady Kai  Dowries goes to them
  With Lady Kai die accrue  all goes to Lord kutal 
 Sign of the Shogun  Daimyo  of The River Alexandr


To protect a FW and to compensate the man, a dowry must be paid in Gor by the family of the bride

[10:41] 高橋  Shinji Takahashi  (1shinji): 100 barrel of the delicate and best quality Sake of he River Alexand
50 bosk
20 verr
1 wagon
1 male nobles pani clothes, with  one of Shogun  Daimyo  of The River Alexandr wakizashi sword, there will be handle  over with the letter
4 barrel of Gold
famile Jewely
1  NPC  collar girl ( or trying to get one )
50  NPC  Samurai  warriors

Preparing the meals, the night before

Guests arrive and get served


[11:08] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) arrives at the fields, among the bosks
[11:09] Kysersozee Mynx: *watches his steps as he and his slave walking passby the herd of Bosks*
[11:09] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): this companionship is closed for 2 reasons, first because the shogun wanted close an alliance, and second because i like Lady Kai very much and want her as my companion
[11:10] nadi (nara.zsun): swats at the pesky insects buzzing around her Master and her.
[11:10] nadi (Nara Zsun): quetscht an den lästigen Insekten um ihren Meister und ihr summen.
[11:11] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): the shogun gave her 50 bosks, you can see them around you, 20 verr, some barrels with gold asa dowry, these will be for Lady Kai as insurance so she will not be collared, for in that case the dowry will be taken back
[11:11] Luella (lilith.lindley) listens with interest to the explantations
[11:11] Kai (candykai) sop look on all the bosk my uncle the Shogun has sent for my dowry , pani bosk , blush as kutai talk... never hear he want me befor . gasper as i shime let of feasr as her talk abourt a collar, happy my famile is a ritch famile
[11:12] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): but for now the Open Sky, our God, must be consultant if this is the day
[11:12] Ki Moon (sabrjina): looks up to the sky and wait
[11:13] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): the omen which will be read, is that a Bosk bull and Bosk cow will be brought in the field, and if they mate, the time is right, if they dont mate, we must do the ceremony at another day
[11:13] Kai (candykai) standing there in the group of people, looks at the sky.. hoping that the pani gold zen.. find it good to
[11:13] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) does not say that the Bosks always made, because he has held the bosk bull with cows for weeks now, so the animal is very horny and probably immediate will jump on the nearest cow
[11:15] Luella (lilith.lindley) smiles full of trust in the nature of a bosk bull
[11:15] Kai (candykai) mover my eyes over the Bosk bull.. looking withn intereset if the will mate, i do blush up in my pani face,, and mover my hands up infrom of my face to hid it
[11:15] ŐℜİA (0subira) smiles with excitement for the Master and Mistress
[11:16] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) gives a signal to 2 outriders which held the struggling bosk male with ropes, to release the bull. One can already see that the animal is in grip of his hormones, and making sounds which even are louder then the nearby geysir

11:19] Kai (candykai) bide my lips, closs my eyes shyly as i see the boskbull is closs to rape the poor boskcow, looking at Kutai..
[11:19] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) shouts: "come closer all"
[11:20] Luella (lilith.lindley) sees the bull is eager to do his job and claps her hands then moves closer to the scene.
[11:21] ŐℜİA (0subira) gasp as I see the copulation of the two animals and look away.
[11:21] Hakimba Oakleaf: better we keep some distance  such a bull is unpredictable
[11:21] Ki Moon (sabrjina): looks to the bosk bull and smirks a bit
[11:21] Onatah (julee.nicholls): interessting
[11:21] Kai (candykai) slap a fly away from my face , wiggle my sentive pani nose
[11:21] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) sees that the bull is doing it's jb ith passion and looks at the sky and says "thank you Open Sky for this sign, and showing us that the time is right" that he manipulated the outcome he does not mention, the commoners watching do not have to know the tricks of a haruspex

Companion ceremony

[11:22] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): Lady Kai. please stand by th reigns of my kaiila
[11:23] Kai (candykai): &me lifted my pain head more, ,over closs to Katai wuth carefull step o .. as my finger more over the side of the Kaila " Yes Lord ," I said, as The olde Tuchuk Women have toll me of the wagon people culture
[11:24] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): I must ask you 1 question, one question only
[11:25] Kai (candykai) minver mover, caress the Kaila " Ask Lord Katai
[11:25] Hakimba Oakleaf listens attentively
[11:26] Ghost of Tareq (kitten.serpente) is online.
[11:26] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): "what do you think of the scent of bosk? " he himself inhales the musky odeur of the mating animals in front of him
[11:27] Ki Moon (sabrjina): looks to kai and waiting her answer
[11:27] Kai (candykai) smiled., bide my lips harder, as i am a Pani i dont like the smell of bosk , so i lies with a calm voice, showing my pani poke face "I have grown fond of the smell of bosk... i have learned to lover the scrent of bosk ,
i says as like kutai.. the barbarian
[11:27] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) smiles satisfied with her answer
[11:28] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) bends down and lays his arms around the taille of Lady Kai and lifts her in the saddle of his kaiila
[11:28] Kai (candykai) gasper as my sweating, nervons hand hit kutai hand as he in so a barbarin way drew me to his saddle , i mover arund, so my body get closs into his back , and placed myhead against his right shoulder,, my eyes shine scard over want life bring us in the future , knowing that only the alliance make him mate me, the dowry have safe me from his collar
[11:29] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) then turns around to the public present "this woman, who's name is Lady Kai of the Pani, I take as my companion, all shall treat her as such and respect her
[11:30] ŐℜİA (0subira) smiles wide.... Yayyyyyyy
[11:30] Luella (lilith.lindley) claps her hands again knowing the ceremony can be done now und cheers for the couple... the skies are with the couple today!
[11:30] ŐℜİA (0subira): ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ  ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★
[11:30] Hakimba Oakleaf claps his hands "WHOOT §WHOOT"
[11:30] Ki Moon (sabrjina): claps her hand
[11:30] nadi (nara.zsun): smiles clapping her hands with great joy......
[11:30] connydevil is online.
[11:30] Kai (candykai) blush and hide my face into kutai back
[11:30] Onatah (julee.nicholls): applause
[11:30] Gireaux: ah, great
[11:30] ŐℜİA (0subira): ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ  ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★
[11:30] Taema Mynx (taema): smiles and clapping for the outcome
[11:30] Ki Moon (sabrjina): congrats both of you
[11:31] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) goes on "Lady Kai will manage my household, and oversees my slaves and whip them to work. She has the full right to inflict any punishments on them which she finds necessary"
[11:31] Gireaux slaps his fist against the shoulder
[11:31] Kysersozee Mynx: *cheers and congratulation to both!!
[11:31] Onatah (julee.nicholls): congratulatioons
[11:32] Hakimba Oakleaf: My Congratulations .. i wish you many Pahns of Companionship
[11:32] Prinven Biix Xaron (prinven): I feel the Gods and Goddesses all bless this union ... I wish you both so much love and happiness !
[11:32] Luella (lilith.lindley): May the skies protect both of them and send a lot of children in the future!
[11:32] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): and of course she will cook for me also and shall bear my children which will grow to great warriors
[11:32] ŐℜİA (0subira) feels tears of joy drip down her eyes
[11:33] Kai (candykai) gasper.. feeling there get put a big responsibility on my shoulder , mover my arms arund kutai, gasper as he talk odf childen,
[11:33] ŐℜİA (0subira): ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ Aρρʟαυѕᴇ  ★★♪✰〄✰♪★★
[11:33] Luella (lilith.lindley): my congratulations Kutai and Kai! she shouts and claps her hands again.
[11:33] Kysersozee Mynx:   (¸¸.•´ ¯¨•.¸¸ Applause ¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸)
[11:33] Hakimba Oakleaf smiles  i imagine the sounds of crying children sounding in the valley


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And they lived long happy after

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