Shakti, a kajira from Turia bringen a present

[13:15]  shakti shouts: "Tal" calls her escort hoping to let someone know of their approach, gesturing to shakti to follow
[13:16]  Kutai shouts: "Tal, come closer" he makes a gesture to the bowsmen to retreat, since this is a familiar sweet voice"
[13:17]  Kutai: enter the dais, its not a holy platform
[13:17]  shakti: tal, Sir he escort offers as he stops before the platform, indicating for shakti to kneel beside him
[13:20]  Kutai looks a sharp raveneye to the guard of the slave, knowing that such a guards prtection is futile, but since there is peace he will not let the couple killed
[13:21]  Kutai: Tal Shakti
[13:22]  shakti green eyes darting about, nervously looking around, she waits, not sure how to get up on the daze she looks to her escort
[13:23]  shakti smiling hearing the Man on the dais speak, she hops up quick with the aid of her escort
[13:25]  shakti kneeling before the Man she lowers her eyes to the furs and quietly offers her greetings to the Man, suddenly nervous she fidgets a little
[13:25]  Kutai cold eyes see over the slave, his face is smiling which is in contrast to the wise old eyes who have seen all what could happen on the surface of the planet Gor "be welcom pretty messenger of Turia, the Great City"
[13:27]  shakti smiling, raising her eyes to him from under her brow...thank you, Master....this girl has brought a gift for you...turning slightly to her escort as he carries it
[13:28]  shakti taking it from her escorts hand, she lays it before the Great Man on the dais
[13:29]  Kutai view goes through the escort, then he focusses again at the slave, and the icy eyes get a warmer glow, its not the beauty of the girl, because beauty can be cold too, like some free women of his tribe, no its the girls warmth and friendliness which warms his old stone heart
[13:31]  shakti biting her lip, she sits back on her heel, waiting for a reaction from the still form on the furs, unable to read his posture as good or bad, she wais nervously
[13:31]  Kutai looks at the fan, which is a marvelous piece of art, he recognices the three moons of Gor and the brand of the Tuchuks.His eyes wander a second to the hips of the slave to see which brand is burned in there "this show great skill and feeling. I thank you for this wonderfull present"
[13:34]  shakti lifting her eyes to His, her eyes bright with happiness she has pleased him.....i was most happy, Master, to have the chance to to make something for you, this one is glad beyond words you are pleased
[13:34]  Kutai smiles friendly "its a marvelous present, it will get a wondefull place in my wagon"
[13:34]  shakti: could girl show you how it works, Master? * she looks enquiringly at him*
[13:35]  Kutai: yes please
[13:36]  shakti leaning forward, placing one hand on the dais she reaches forward and picks up the fan, settling back she smiles happily, feeling more comfortable and begins to fan the Great Tuchuk
[13:37]  Kutai: come a bit closer
[13:37]  Kutai: so i can enjoy the coolness more
[13:39]  shakti scooting closer on her knees so as the Tuchuk can feel the breeze of the fan, she happily emonstrates how it, Master this one did not make the animation
[13:42]  Kutai lays backward enjoying the coolness the girl waves over him in this hot plains summer evening
[13:43]  shakti giggles quietly to herself as the Tuchul lays back and gets comfy, sure now she has pleased him, by his actions, she happily continues to provide him with a cooling breeze in the still of the warm evening
[13:45]  Kutai: your master is a lucky man to posses such a pleasing and hardworking girl. I will give you a present back. He reaches back and takes one of the roosters at the grass and hands it to the girl
[13:46]  shakti looking around the Tuchuk camp, her eyes trying to spot a it quiet in camp this evening, Master?
[13:47]  Kutai: the Omen Valley is often quiet
[13:50]  shakti: accepting the offered fat cock from the Tuchuk with a nod, not wanting to put the fan down, she keeps a steady motion, the soft breeze blowing the loose hairs of her braid about her face
[13:50]  Kutai: its not really a residential place but a holy spot where each year all tribe gather to decide if an ubar san will be chosen
[13:51]  Kutai: the ubar san is the leader of all Nomads, when he is chosen we sadle our kaiila and attack the whole planet Gor again
[13:52]  shakti: where the omens are read by the haruspices?? yes, master
[13:52]  Kutai: yes, child

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