Silver Moon wagon camp

[12:20] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): welcome to silver moon Sir
[12:20] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) lands his tarn and helps his wfe from the back of the bird "Tal Lady"
[12:21] Kai (candykai): 7me bow the way of free Pani greeting other free " Greeting Lady "
[12:21] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): greetings to you both
[12:21] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): I brought my companion with me, Lady Kai
[12:22] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): nods
[12:22] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): i am landy tecey, pleased to meet you
[12:22] Kai (candykai): well meet Lady "
[12:23] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): well, let mme see the land Lady Tacey, so i can speak out a blessing for it
[12:24] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): nods says follow me
[12:24] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): behind me is a cave that leads to my family land
[12:24] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): this way if you please sir
[12:25] Kai (candykai) note to the lady and follow thm in
[12:25] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) sees many wagons, even a very big one
[12:26] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): all wagons are displayed but the outriders and the haruspex
[12:26] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): you have a harusoex here?
[12:26] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): no sir i do not
[12:26] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): after you do the blessing i will be open
[12:27] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): ah a pity , i could have spoken things together with him
[12:27] Kai (candykai) looks arund, seeint that is not the same type of wagon as my mate cave
[12:27] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): well, i can do ceremonies alone
[12:28] Kai (candykai) mumbles " I can help you kutai.. if i can as a woman * knowing that a woman not is away welcome.. move my tounge in my mouth still tasting the creme in my mouth
[12:28] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) bends to the ground and takes a handfull dirt in his palm and studies it
[12:30] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): you can stay Lady Kai, he remembers she was not allowed at the physician yesterday, but that was not done because of the fact she was a FW, but of the privacy a physician has to have with her patient
[12:31] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) let the sand crumble between his fingers and let it blow in the wind so he can see the structure of the ground here
[12:31] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): watches him pick up a hand full of dirt from the ground
[12:32] Kai (candykai) smiles 2 thanks my mate " i says with a quiet voice when I will not disturb you. looking on your work with big eyes , to undertand the open sky better
[12:33] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): "black earth" he says meaning the traditional bottoms of the Gorean Plains "on this soil grass will flourish and prosper"
[12:34] Kai (candykai) looks at the dirt " Black eath .............................. is that a good signs , Kutai
[12:35] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): wonders what of the food on the land
[12:35] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): "yes a very good sign, for this makes the grass grow high and the bosks will eat and eat and grow fat with meat and milk"
[12:35] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): I think this is excellent land for herding cattle
[12:36] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): and also for growing sa tarna grain, so you can bake bread and brew paga
[12:36] ЈΔƳ Sᴀᴜᴄᴇ ƬЯȻÑĎ-ℳÅЈ (screwface.rugani) is offline.
[12:37] Kai (candykai) look around the land for a long moment, letting the deep soft gaze of my dark eye sink into each . seeing the green grass " mmm yes and i lot of boskcreme ,,,
[12:37] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): hearing these are very good sighns
[12:39] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): yes they are, so far as i can see
[12:39] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): what else do you forsee sir
[12:40] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) bends down again, and tries to pull some grass out of the floor, which he does not manage "the grass has long roots, i can't pull it out, such roots go deep and get much ground water"
[12:40] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): That means you will survive dry periods
[12:41] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): Which means you are not forced to early to go to the southern shores for the summer pastures
[12:42] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): oh my i am very blessed
[12:42] Kai (candykai) note as it important to take reservations for dry peroder
[12:42] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): yea, but i see some minor flaws also
[12:43] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): blinks, flaws?
[12:44] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) nods and points at his right side, where his falcon eye has seen something "you live near peasants, they have constructed a wall"
[12:45] Kai (candykai) mover over to kutai rigth side to get a better looks " peasants,, a wall.. where " '
[12:45] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): listens
[12:45] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): If your herd grows to big, the bosks can not spread in that direction, the walls blocks their free going and the farmers might kill your bosks for food, if they enter their land
[12:46] nadi (nara.zsun) is offline.
[12:46] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): so you must guard the amount of bsoks well, and don't grow to many because then they will eat all the grass
[12:46] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): and if bosk graze too much, the land become barren, the upper soil erodes, and you get a kinda Badlands
[12:47] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): takes note to what he is saying
[12:48] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): so limit the number of bosks
[12:48] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): nods
[12:48] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): thats not easy, for if your population grows, men want more bosks
[12:49] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): in taht case, attack and destroy the village, the inhabitants can be sold as slaves
[12:49] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): shivers
[12:50] Kai (candykai): 7me listen to kutai.. know a Pani Shogun will do the same , if he need more land
[12:50] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): or you loose the war, and then your problem is solved also, because your population is diminished bt the killings of the war
[12:50] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): peace leads to nothing on Gor
[12:51] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): agrees it is very harsh lands gor can be
[12:52] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): yes, only the strongest survive, and so far that were mostly the wagonpeople
[12:52] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): since city folks grow weak
[12:53] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): nods in agreement
[12:53] Kai (candykai) smiles, whisper " No all city folk get weak .. my mate
[12:54] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) grins at Lady Kai, yea, some city practice war also, like te Turians. After all "does a larl hunt tabuk, or digs it out roots from the ground? "
[12:56] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): smiles
[12:57] Kai (candykai) see kutai is teasing me " Pani are great warrior.. as if there lose.. the Shogun give the warlord oder to commits harakiri
[12:57] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): Well, i will do some ceremony which will strengthen the bond of your people with the Open Sky
[12:58] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) does not say a word since he knows that the Pani Samurai are great warriors, but the average Pani low caste is worthless canonfudder
[13:00] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): thank you for blessing my land sir, bending to  pick up a hand full of grass and dirt, extend my hand to him
[13:01] Kai (candykai) smiles, whisper " I come of a famile with a great warriors " knowing kutai have rigth of low caste pani " So how will you strengthen the bond of the people with the Open Sky, kutai " i smiles to Lady
[[13:03] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): yes
[13:03] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) seeks a heap of dried bosk dung
[13:06] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) takes a bottle of paga from his putsch and puts that in a small metal bowl
[13:08] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) puts fire on the collected bosk dung and make a small prayer to the holy bosks of this region
[13:09] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) heats the paga above the fire
[13:09] Kai (candykai) lifts a brow listening, then i looks up a bit curious , as kutai work.. make puke up signs with my body as i can smeel the burn bosk dung , moving a litte back
[13:11] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): caughs as i smell the awful smell of the buring bosk dung not knowing what lies a head in this reading
[13:12] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) feels the paga is ready, he tastes a bit of it to check if the beverage is worthy
[13:13] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) then takes the bowl high above his head "Ladies stand back some meters, or you get wet the wrong way"
[13:14] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): steps back not wanting to get wet
[13:14] Kai (candykai): aa * i mover back , behind the wagon.. so i dont want paga and bosk dong on my new dres i have get on the marketplace on Kutai bill
[13:15] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) swings the bowl above his head so the hot paga is distributed over the land he then yells "ooh Open Sky accept this sacrifice from these good people which. It's excellent paga warmed by the shit of your holy animals"
[13:16] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov) looks at Lady Tacey "making a sacrifice to the Open Sky can not do any evil, best you let a haruspex do it, o in need case a seasoned outrider"
[13:17] Kai (candykai) tit my head from the side of the wagon, to see want kutai is doing... as i am not born as a Tuchuk Women
[13:18] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): makes note of his words to search for outriders and a haruspex
[13:22] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): Any wagon man is automatically an outrider, so if you have strong men here, they can kill a verr now and then and sacrifice it to the Sky
[13:22] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): the meat can be eaten, for the Sky does not allow waste
[13:23] Kai (candykai) note as i mover closs to my mate again, seeing it do with his work
[13:23] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): takes a deep breath knowing my lands are good and will previde for my people
[13:24] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): steps closed to the man and his mate,
[13:25] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): well, this will be it for now
[13:25] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): it's up to you folks to keep the spirits of this land happy
[13:26] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): nods i do not think this will be hard to do, i thank you for blessing my lands and in hopes you and your mate return soon
[13:27] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): we will, and your folks can visit our lands also
[13:27] Tacey Brinner-Topaz (tacey.colter): smiles says thank you for the invite sir, i wish you and your mate safe travels
[13:28] Kai (candykai) bow " Sure We will Lady... Lady you alway welcomme in My mate wagon and get some apples with creme "
[13:28] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): well we return now
[13:28] Kutai (kutaituchik.kroitschov): Sky blessings Lady Tacey
[13:29] Kai (candykai): Sky blessings Lady Tacey

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