Rani, wandering kajira

[11:56]  Hakimba: Kutai wouldnt you enjoy a cold paga now?
[11:56]  Kutaituchik: yes please
[11:56]  Kutaituchik: i can use that
[11:56]  Hakimba: Rani may serve us some
[11:56]  Rani: you both wish paga?
[11:57]  Hakimba: yes i would really like to get a cold paga
[11:57]  Rani: yes Master as you wish
[11:57]  Hakimba: it would be fine
[11:59]  Rani: quietly slips off the fur, rising with a fluid grace, onyx tresses flowing like calm seas down her back, tips kissing her ass, breasts bounce lightly as she moves to the wagon seeking paga for the Masters
[12:03]  Rani: pauses briefly as azure eyes scan room adjusting to the light., hips sway gently as fabric of white camisk molds tightly to her pert breasts teasing them, sleek well toned thighs move about the wagon
[12:03]  Kutaituchik sees the girl walking into the kajirae wagon where some food and drinks are stored
[12:05]  Rani: washes hands with lavender scented soap, drys them on clean rep cloth, turns on dainty heels, as feelt whisper over rough hewn boards, slender fingers reach for three footed bowl inspecting it with careful eye, finding no imperfections moves to cold room
[12:06]  Rani: deft fingers lift verr skin bota of chilled page from peg. as she turns raven tresses wrap around her like a Masters loving arms, hurridly returns with two wooden bowls
[12:06]  Kutaituchik listens to the stumbling on the old wooden floors of the kennel wagon, he hopes she is carefull because sometimes splinters which can cut kajiraes legs are coming up
[12:07]  Hakimba: Rani first you may serve kutai
[12:10]  Rani: grusts softly as she climbs back up on the platform, satiny thighs lower to the furs, as pink lips press together joyfully, parting thighs widely sets out both wooden bowls. Un corks bota with her pearly white teeth, wrists tip bota watching righ amber liquid made from sa tarna swirl as it flows into each bowl, careful not to spill a drop. Recaps bota setting it aside, smiles hearing the Masters instructions lifts first bowl, turns to the Master Kutai, sweet melodic voice chimes " Master i bring you page, this girl hopes it quenches your thirst" extend arms as head bows in respect proffering the vessel to him
[12:14]  Kutaituchik sees the kajira coming with her ravenblack manes which flow behind her delicate like the manes of a wild kailla, he admires her subtle gang, like a young animal enjoying the spring on the plains. He sees she caries a wooden bowl with the pleasand fluid named paga, after pagar - pleasure, his lips smack when he sees how she offers him the bowl and says her words as a kajira should be, He reaches out for the wooden scale and takes it from her slender hands
[12:15]  Rani: lets her hands float to her eager thighs as she feels the man slide the vessel from her
[12:17]  Kutaituchik brings the bowl with the cold paga to his lip, slowly and enjoyfully he drinks from the alcoholic liquid, his eyes smile to the beautifull kajira which is a present for his old keen eyes.
[12:18]  Hakimba hears a strange sound from the bosks and so he jumps up too look for them
[12:18]  Rani: overhwhelming smike curves succulent lips as she turns, sitting regally on the furs to the other Master , breeze teasing lustrious tendrils, pink tongue slips along pink lips making them shimmer in the afternoon sun, lifts over wooden bowl, as azure eyes shimmer , extends bowl with sleek arms, head bows again in respect, soft words flow from lips Master i bring you your chilled paga, this one hopes it satisfys your thirst and enlivens your senses
[12:20]  Hakimba stops as the girl reaches the bowl with paga to him, sniffs the scent and takes a big sip

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