Aurora Turianis - Port Haifa

[08:34]  Aphris arrives at the docks of the Academy of Haifa, she looks around, only seeing the Tuchuk Convel, the brother of the Mistress of the slave Waseya, who often visited Omen Valley. He is to far away to greet, so she decides to search the famous library of the institute
[08:37]  Aphris walks over the footpaths through the densely forested interior of the univerity, she wonders why such institutes often have big trees. After a moment she concludes that it must be the botanists of ages ago who are the ones responsible for planting the giant trees
[08:42]  Aphris sees the entrance of the library, its obvious that its a library, because the books at the walls are already visibe, ages of wisdom are gathered here
[08:44]  Aphris walks past the walls of the university library, the old wood give it a rustic feeling which suits Aphris well, since she lives in a wagon made of old trees also. She reads the subjects, Etiguette, Warrior codes, surprised they are here, History of the big cities....
[08:54]  Aphris finds the books about the Geography of Gor, she reads the subjects Torvaldsland, Vosk Delta, Southern Plains, she decides to take the Southern Plains books first, there are little. Probably because most explorers are enslaved as being enemies by the Wagonpeople

[08:56]  Aphris takes the books about the natural phenomenae and starts reading them, she finds however little reference to the phenomenae she has seen, one small remark "Aurora Turianis"
[08:58]  Aphris Myoo: "Aurora Turianis" she let the name dance at her tongues before reading further, but there is little more "Southern Light" it says.'
[09:01]  Aphris takes some more scrolls from the shelf, including several old dirty ones, torn, as if they are escaped from a raid. She starts reading them. They are the notes of an explorer from Turia, one called Nozy. Nozy of Turia. She reads with interest how the man evaded the tribes by going south in winter, the icy winter of the Turian plains. A good tactic she concludes, since in winter the Tuchuk and Kataii, and the other 2 tribes would be far North, with the bosks herds
[09:02]  Aphris reads the tale of the scribe Nozy and his comrades, she reads how his packing kaiila all died in the blizzards, that many kajirae disappaered, or were found frozen at the entrancess of the tents.
[09:03]  Aphris sees that the expedition travelled south and south to find the southern shores of Gor, hunger strikes the group since animals are hardly to find except some lost kalliuk
[09:06]  One page strikes her "suddenly the remaining kaiila started to panic, slaves screamed in fear "the Priest Kings, The Priest Kings. I (Nozy) ran outside and looked what it was. "The sky, the sky" the people screamed, i looked up and saw a fearfull light, it danced through the sky, violets, greens, electric blue. I sank to my knees and prayed to the Priest Kings, this must be one of their doings."
[09:08]  Aphris grinses at the superstition of the Turians, as if the Priest Kings were behind it, she as yearkeeper of the Kataii knew that all in the sky was the territory of heaven, a gift of nature, of the Open Sky. None should be affraid of the Open Sky, but of course Turians would be.
[09:10]  Aphris tries to find more about the phenomenea but does not find anything. Then she sees a remark of another scribe "this must be southern light, the counterpart of the wellknown Aurora Borealis of Torvaldsland" it was signed with Thorfinn of Green Inlet, Rune Priest.
[09:13]  Aphris takes a clean scroll sheet from her pouch and starts copying , by hand , the written text of Nozy of Turia, and also the remark of the Northern Rune Priest. She writes several hours, completing whole pages of text, then she places the ancient scrolls back in the book cases
[09:16]  Aphris then walks to the scrolls about Torvaldsland, there are not many. She nods, knowing Torvaldslanders are illeterates, and the region is almost as hostile and dangerous as the deep South of the Plains where eternal winds blow blizzards from the Southrn Thassa over the wide prairies, covering them with snow.[09:30]  Aphris Myoo goes through the pages about Torvaldsland, she finds several references to Northern Light, some give it the explantion of being the sparks of te battle axes of the Throlls attacking Asgaard, she throws that theory as being unlikely away. She does the same with the story this are the juweled hiars of a bond of Odin taken wildly at his bed in the sky. She smirks about the fantasy some people, claiming to be scientists, have
[09:35]  One remark draws her interest, an astronomer of the university of Hellenos had seen an outburst of sunflames. Reports of others showed that days after those solar explosions more Northern Lights were visible as normal, much more visible and much further to the South. "Hm, solar bursts" she thinks "those could be very well a cause of the phenomenae some of our outriders as South of Omen Valley"

[09:38]  Aphris copies the pages of the Hellenos sky watcher also and stands up, for now she knows which direction she must seek. Hellenos. She hopes to find answers there, because going to Torvaldsland to find better sources has no appael to her. Too dangerous for a free woman, after all those Torvaldslanders are all horny barbarians and eager to enslave the wild women of the Gorean Plains