Smoked eel

[09:47]  Glow is looking around, this place doesn't look familar, she sees a Mistress standing in the distance she walks to her and kneels before her and greets soft, greetings Mistress
[09:50]  Aphris sees a kajira coming from the fisher house, she has a familiar face, but she has seen so many slave girl in her long live that she can't remember them all. She is for sure a kajira of the wagonpeople because she notices the nose ring with the connecting chain, just like she wears herself, wel not exactly, the chain of the kajira is of thin steel and that of her self of blue moonstone, a remembrance of her lost caste of the scribes,
[09:51]  Glow glances up, thinking she has saw that face before but is not sure, she peers down again, wiggles a little insecure on her knees
[09:53]  Aphris: Tal kajira, i see you are of the wagonpeople, may i ask which tribe you are from?
[09:54]  Glow soft and whispers, yes Mistress of course, i am glow, i am owned by a Master from Kataii
[09:55]  Aphris smiles broadly "well i am from the Kataii myself, I am Lady Aphris, the yearkeeper, I am here now in Omen Valley, I cook for the haruspices who read the omens for all tribes
[09:56]  Glow, whispering again, yes Mistress, i used to live in the Kataii i think you are talking about, i think we even met there before but it has been a while, my Master took me with him and after a year of travelling we set our wagon in a smaller Kataii
[09:57]  Glow up and down again, i was just visitng the old Kataii to be honest, i am on my way home again
[09:57]  Aphris nods "yes there are smaller branches but for Omen Valley all wagonpeople are the same, you will see here all Kataii, but also Tuchuks of seeral tribes and paravaci
[09:59]  Glow looks around again, i don't think i came here before Mistress, i can't remember that i saw it on the way to Kataii
[10:01]  Aphris looks at the nets of the fishtraps she has laid in the water. An unusual activity for a nomadic women, but she was originally born in the Vosk delta, and there the fishing with netted traps is very common "the Omen Valley lays far north, and only haruspices live here and 2 thousands of outriders to protect them" she walks to the water "I have layed fishing nets in the water, kajira, i want to harvest them now, can you help me pulling in"
[10:02]  Glow smiles of course Mistress, bbut i haven't done it before
[10:02]  Glow rises and looks to the nets, if you can tell me what i should do
[10:04]  Aphris: I have experience, I am born at a river and even that i am born in the Blue, getting fish was necesary as an add-on for the menu, it swims free around" she puls the net and gives one edge to the girl "well, those in the nets are no longer free, but meal" she starts pulling while ordering the girl "PULL!"
[10:04]  Glow giggles and takes the net, when the Mistress gives the command, she starts to pull and walking a little backwards
[10:06]  Aphris walks backward too, pulling the net ashore, satisfied she notices that 5 eel are in the net "keep away from the eel, kajira, they are Gorean eel, they eat flesh and have sharp razored teeth"
[10:06]  Glow is looking at the fish who jumps up in the water now the net is closing on them, she hears the Mistress words and walks a little more backwards, wiggling her nose and pulling the net. Yes Mistress, thank you for the warning
10:08]  Glow chuckles as she sees how many there are and smiles at the Mistress, wow Mistress this is a nice catch, so many of them
[10:08]  Aphris grins evily "I would not like to damage you, since you are property of a Kataii, but know that some eveil masters in Ar, throw not pleasing kajirae in pools of eel. Mostly they are stripped of their flesh till the bones in 5 minutes, eaten alive, screaming of pain, till the blood is all washed in the water"
0:09]  Glow gasps when she hears the Mistress talking and shivers, oh my that sounds awfull
[10:10]  Aphris sees the 5 eel strugling in the net, she takes her quiva and jumps around skillfully cutting of the heads with the teeth before they could bite her
[10:11]  Aphris ooks at the decapitated eel "you better take them from the net Glow, since they are slimy and hat would destroy my new scarlet robe"
[10:13]  Glow looks at the Mistress, admiring her decisiveness and courage, she nods, yes Mistress and stetches her hand to take the fish out the net, she pulls back her hand when the eel almost bite her, she takes a deep breath and grabs the fish, smiling when she catches it, where do you want it Mistress?
[10:14]  Aphris: just throw them in this basket
[10:15]  Glow nods and throws the eel in the basket, turning back to net to catch a other one, she is fully concentrated on what she is doing, her tongue stiks out her mouth
[10:16]  Aphris sees that the kajira is not lazy, and neither affraid for dirty works, she smiles satisfied in the knowledge that Kataii masters train their girls wel
[10:21]  Aphris: "take the other eel too Glow, i will get a bucket where i can start preparing them"
[10:21]  Glow nods again, walking to the eel, trying to avoid the sharp teeth, grabbing it and throws it in the bucket, i think we have them all Mistress
[10:22]  Aphris walks to the fisher house and seeks an iron bucket. Then she looks through all closets for a sachet with brine, finally she finds it and throws that in the bucket. before walking back
[10:23]  Cheelofsir: boo
[10:24]  Aphris "ok, watch good what i do now, so you can do later yourself"
[10:24]  Glow bites her tongue when she hears a hard voice, she moans and looks around, then starts smiling wide, Master, she shouts and jumps in his arms to hug him tight
[10:24]  FLAIM gives Cheelofsir Franizzi a hug.
[10:24]  Aphris sees that Cheelofsir the girls master arrives and greets him "Tal Kataii"
[10:24]  Cheelofsir hugs her and smiles
[10:25]  Cheelofsiri: Greeting Aphris hope you are well
[10:25]  Glow still smiles and kneels close to his boots
[10:25]  Aphris: "yes I am, i lend your kajira for taking in some eel"
[10:25]  Aphris: "I learn her now to clean this fish"
[10:26]  Cheelofsir: "ah splendid was she behaving?"
[10:26]  Glow looks in the basket, seeing all the slimy and slippering eel
[10:26]  Aphris: "oh she served me well, she was quite brave considering Gorean eel are sometimes fed with kajirae"
[10:27]  Cheelofsir pets her head and smiles' good girl but it seems you were about to show her something so please do ill watch too
[10:28]  Aphris takes the first eel and puts her quiva at the base where she cut of the heads, she slices it open till the anus. then she starts removing the guts, kidneys and the blood stollings. All these inner organs she throws at the fishheads in the river sand. "never spoil something of an animal, all is eatible, in worst case we can mix it with slave gruel"
[10:28]  Glow presses her head against his hand and smiles up
[10:29]  Glow looks at the Mistress and swallos a little difficult when she sees how she opens up the eel
[10:29]  Cheelofsir watchs with intrests
[10:32]  Aphris walks in the pouring rain to the water of the river and washes of the slime of the eel which makes it so slippery, when the cleaning process is finished she lays the eel carefully in the bucket with brine. She look sat Glow, this is important, you must clean the eel of inner organs, blood and slime, then afterwards it must go in a bucket with brine or salt to get a good taste. It must go in the bucket for at least 5 hours"
[10:33]  Glow concentrates on the Mistress hands and words, she nods and whispers yes Mistress, in a bucket with brine or salt for at least 5 hours
[10:34]  Aphris continues wuth the second eel, with skilled hands she cuts this animal open ripping it from its inner organs, she walks again to the stream and washes the blood and the slime away. After putting it in the salt in the bucket she starts working on the other 3 eel.
[10:35]  Cheelofsir watchs with intrests then tries to do it to one
[10:35]  Glow watches the Mistress then looks up, should i try one Mistress?
[10:37]  Aphris finishes the last eel and lays it in the bucket "work is done for now, i must wait till tomrrow, then i will dry and smoke the fish"
[10:38]  Aphris: "you can seek the remnants together Glow and lay them at a small staple"
[10:38]  Hakimba: Tal Lady Aphris
[10:38]  Cheelofsir: Greeting Sir
[10:38]  Hakimba: Tal Kataii
[10:38]  Aphris: "tal Hakimba" she says when she sees the outrider from Omen Valley arriving
[10:38]  Hakimba: did anything happen?
[10:39]  Glow smiles and nods, looks up when she hears a voice, she greats back, greetings Master
[10:40]  Aphris: "yes, I harvested some eel, and this kajira, property of this Kataii outrider, helped me" she walks to the water and washes the slime from her hands and under arms "you better was too Glow, and maybe your clothes too, because they are under the slime when you took them from the nets"
[10:40]  Hakimba: did you catch any fish with the fish traps?
[10:40]  Hakimba: oh i see eels
[10:41]  Glow starts to collect the remains and looks up into the sky, she shivers, it starts snowing
[10:42]  Glow rises to her feet and walks to the water, she starts rubbing her hands and shivers again as she feels the cold water on her skin, she hesitates but then puts her foot in the cold water and starts to wash herself
[10:42]  Cheelofsir: if you freeze to death ill have to defrost you and kill you
[10:43]  Aphris: "well we are fished for to day, lets seek a warm wagon"
[10:43]  Hakimba Oakleaf: the water is cold this season
[10:43]  Glow finishes fast and returs to her Masters boots, she chatters and is very gratefull when she hears the words warm wagon
[10:44]  Cheelofsir looks at her and wraps her in his dry cloak
[10:44]  Cheelofsir: yes warm wagon always sounds nice
[10:47]  Hakimba streches his cold arms and legs "this time it is good to sit by the fireside"
[10:48]  Glow looks up to the Mistress, oh no Mistress, i can serve you, please sit down and warm yourself
[10:49]  Cheelofsir smiles and nods' i thank you and she will warm up soon enough
[10:49]  Aphris walks upstairs and takes 3 goblets from the shelf, she walks to the barrels and fills them with the paga, the strong drinks from the Sa-tarna grain. After filling the goblets she warms them at the fire burning above. No weather for cold paga, better take the warmed variation to day.
[10:49]  Hakimba smiles "you have a good kajira Sir" "oh i fogot , my name is hakimba"
[10:49]  Cheelofsir pulls her into my arms so she my warm faster
[10:49]  Cheelofsir: thank you Sir . i am known as Shadow this days
[10:50]  Glow feels the warm arms of her Master around her and sighs soft, enjoying the warmt and the touch and snuggles in closer
[10:50]  Hakimba: wel met Shadow
10:51]  Aphris gives Chee a goblet o fhot paga, then she turns towards Hakimba before setting herself . She makes a toast "at the Open Sky who has given us 5 fine fish today"
[10:51]  Cheelofsir rises glass and sips from my goblet
[10:52]  Hakimba takes a glass too and raises it up and drinks a first big sip to warm up from inside
[10:52]  Aphris warms herself too with the paga
[10:54]  Hakimba enjoys the fluid flowing down his throat hot as fire
[10:54]  Cheelofsir: offers the girl some paga
[10:55]  Glow smiles to her Master when she feels the goblet to her lips, she takes a draft and closes her eyes when she feels the paga burn down and warm her from the inside



A few hours later Aphris takes the brinned eaal out of the salt in the bucket, they are of good taste now. Since they are stil wet and such will negatively influence the taste of the eel after smoking she takes an iron pin and stings it through to all 5 fish. She seeks a dry place in the public slave wagon, who cares that kajirae must sleep in the smell of fresh salted, not dry eel, an dhangs it there to dry for a couple of hours.

Smoke oven

Knowing she must smoke the eel the next day she orders 2 kaii to build an oven and seek enough wood for burning it. She orders the slave boys to seek seek some iarg stones and build an oven of rocks. The oven is hollow and has a small opening up front and a broad chimney through which the smoke kan escape. The oven is filed with the oakwood the slaves has found near the river.


[08:45]  Hakimba: Tal Lady Aphris
[08:45]  Hakimba sniffs deeply as he notices a tasty scent in the air
[08:45]  Aphris: "Tal Hakimba, i need your help in the smoking of eel"
[08:46]  Hakimba: sure what shall i do?
[08:46]  Aphris walks to the public slave wagon where she has hang the eel to dry above the alcoves. She notices they are dry anough and walks back to the oven the kajiri have build yesterday
[08:47]  Aphris: "you must control the entrance of oxygen"
[08:47]  Aphris: "at the top of the oven"
[08:48]  Aphris:"first you must close the entrance a bit so i can dry the eel shortly at low temperature"
[08:48]  Hakimba: ah i understand
[08:48]  Aphris hangs the eel in the oven to dry "close the smoke chimney please"
[08:49]  Hakimba looks around and put some ground on the top of the chimney to make the opening narrow
[08:50]  Hakimba sees that after some seconds there comes only little smoke out of the chimney
[08:50]  Aphris: "aah, better use this thick repcloth" she throws him some textile "after this it must be fully opened" she grumbles a bit and thinks "men and cooking....."
[08:51]  Hakimba grins and put the cloth over the chimney
[08:52]  Hakimba hopes it will stand the heat and not incend
[08:52]  Aphris waits a couple of minutes and decides that its dry enough "pull the repcloth away Hakimba we must cook it now, the fire must higher till about 95 celcius"
[08:53]  Hakimba takes it away
[08:54]  Aphris sees how the fire lights up and instantly feels the temperature jump
[08:55]  Hakimba nods as if he would know how to use this oven
[08:55]  Aphris watches carefully if the fish not is burned by the flames because none likes blackburned eel "except some kajirae maybe who love black meat" she chuckles internally.
[08:57]  Hakimba: well Lady do you need me urgent this moment otherwise i would go to have a look for the bosks
[08:58]  Aphris waits 10 minutes till the eel is done, she feels carefully if the fishmeat is loose from the bones and nods satisfied "lay the whole repcloth over the chimney Hakimba, close the air entrance"
[08:58]  Hakimba again puts the cloth on the chimney
[08:59]  Aphris: "good" she smiles "now we have to wait about an hour to let the smoke do its work at the eel, and give it its specific remarkable taste.


[10:14]  Hakimba: Greetings Aphris the bosks are all well
[10:15]  Aphris: "great, I am about to take the eel from the oven, the smoking process is almost done"
[10:17]  Hakimba feels his mouth getting wet from spit 2i am looking forward to this great meal"
[10:17]  Aphris walks to the oven and puls some blocks with wood out, to lessen the fire, then she binds some repcloth around her wrist and she reaches for the pin with the 5 eel, and pulls them out of the chimney
[10:17]  Aphris: "can you put out the fire in the oven?"
[10:18]  Hakimba: well
[10:19]  Hakimba takes a bucket goes to the river and fetches water
[10:19]  Hakimbaf: "wait i will need some time to return with the water
[10:20]  Aphris takes some old newspapers from the Plains Post and lays each eel in one of them before bundling the paper arround it. She does this to keep the smoke taste in the eel, the newspaper will keep the scent of smoked wood in the eel.
[10:21]  Aphris flees from the oven because when Hakimba throws water on the bruning wood not only the eel will be smoked but her and him too, and thats a waste of her new dress
[10:21]  Hakimba returns with the heavy bucket full with water hurrying because he is hungry for the eels "wait i come when the fire ist out"
[10:22]  Aphris "you can't eat the eel now, its much to hot, even hotter then the heat of your kajira and i dn't want you to burn your lips"
[10:24]  Hakimba extinguishes the fire by watering it
[10:26]  Aphris sees a cloud of steam and smoke and runs further from the fire, carrying the Plains Posts with the eel in it.

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