Why Kataii free woman not always wear leather dresses

[10:08]  Aphris looks in her closet and sees that she is not satisfied with all her dresses, she has some new ones which she cheaply acquired from some perfumer up north but as a fashion addict, a result of her growing up in a small city long long ago, she decides she needs something new, she looks in her purse but thats almost empty now. She thinks a long time, then remembers parts of Turia are still abandoned since the last wagonpeople raid, maybe some of the high caste women of this rich merchant city has left clothes behind. Aphris takes her quiva, as only weapon, and rides on her kaiila to the deserted part of the city, abandoned does not always mean without danger, for villains often hide in such areas, but her skill with the quiva will keep such mostly cowardly citizens away
[10:08]  Roc blinks
[10:09]  Maddison: Tallies Roc
[10:13]  Aphris passes the deserted gate, still no guards at the city entrance, how neglecting they are with their duties, she only notices some shady figures far off, she sees a man carrying stones, a builder she concludes, he is accompanied with a scarce clothed woman, a taluna, probably his secret lover otherwise he would have collared her, or are those city people too weak for taken a woman from the woods. She continues her search for a good house where she might acquire some left behind robes
[10:16]  Aphris sees a house with a red signal on it, probably the home of a warrior, she forces the door open with her quiva, which goes easily, she searches all rooms for female clothing closets, after 3 rooms she finds one and breaks open the wooden door. She searches the cloths for luxury robes, throwing city women lingery like slips without scrotch and jaratels in a dirty corner "what a sluts these Turian free women are" she thinks. At last she finds a good robe , flaming scarlet which she tries to get on, seeing if it suits her.
[10:26]  Aphris after some while manages to get the dress on , its a wide thing, so she cuts of some too fancy parts, but for the rest it will work out fine for a wagonpeople women. In her haste not the be caught she takes up her own yellowish brown dress and pulls out some other robes of the rich red caste womans closet. Satisfied she sneaks out of the gate again and mounts her kaiila, unseen for the eyes, seemingly, of the builder.


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