
Painting pottery

Basket making



Oria tabuk harvesting

[10:02] ŐℜİA bent down near the carcass of the tabuk with bucket in hand as she readied to harvest the innards of meat and other things to be used for the wagon camp.
[10:09] ŐℜİA held the sharp knife carefully as she lifted the pelt portion of the stomach. Seeing that the intestines had already been removed gave her some relief and she assumed the Haruspex might had used it in an Omen reading.
[10:12] ŐℜİA lifted her head as the smell of the dead body was unpleasant. It had not started decomposition; which was a blessing. Reaching into the gaping hole and then upwards she was able to remove the liver and gall bladder.
[10:13] ŐℜİA pressed her lips together, seeing how she needed to cut further up the pelt on the chest all the way to the bottom of the animals mouth so that she could take out more of its parts.
[10:15] ŐℜİA: The slave cut with more force as the skin was tough. Her free hand laid on top of the tabuks rub cage as she tugged with the knife, splitting it open more.
[10:17] ŐℜİA watched as more blood dripped out of the tabuk and then some quirted on her, "Ewww ...Oh God....," she said waving her arms a bit and looked down seeing how some got on to her chore camisk.
[10:19] ŐℜİA lifted out the spleen after cutting away at other parts of flesh. She clinched at seeing the heart, but cut around it to release it from veins and flesh. The slave placed all the organs into a bucket.
[10:41] ŐℜİA wiped her forehead with her upper arm then rotated her neck. Loose black hairs from the upward style fell to her shoulders. She wanted to make sure that her hair would not be touched by the blood of the animal.
[10:43] ŐℜİA was glad she had not gotten in trouble for not harvesting the animal right away. Her mind drifted as she cut away at the muscles of the tabuk. The bones held the thick folds in place as well as the animals fat. It had amazed her of how far she had come from the person she had been on Earth.
[10:46] ŐℜİA stopped cutting at the animal and rotated her wrists. Lifting them partially above the animals body. They had become stiff and ached a little.
[10:48] ŐℜİA hands dripped with blood and she fanned away flies which landed on the dead animal each time she moved her knife back in place, cutting more and pulling out more muscles and fat.
[10:51] ŐℜİA smiled as the finally cleaned out all of the remaining parts of the tabuk, placing the pieces into the now full bucket. She knew that each part would need to be washed. Turning her attention back to the tabuk, she thought on how to remove the bones
[10:57] ŐℜİA slide the knife slowly with force across each leg bone, cutting away at strands of flesh. Since the muscles and fat was gone, the bones would be easier to remove. There was however some cartilage, that would take some time to cut out.
[10:59] ŐℜİA worked away at removing each bone from the tabuk, The only part of the animal that she did not touch was the head. Though she did cover its eyes with a rep cloth. Doing that put her at better ease in harvesting the animal.... without it looking at her.
[11:07] ŐℜİA looked up at the position of the sun. It seemed to have taken her several ahns to finish this up, well at least most of it. She was not sure how the Haruspex wanted her to handle the bones or the pelt after cleaning them.
[11:10] ŐℜİA stood up and stretched out her blooded arms after harvesting the tabul. Her back and knees were now sore and she could only fantasize about  bathing in a hot springs. "Well,  guess I will start on cleaning each organ," she said and picked up the full bucket of tabuk parts, strolling to the kitchen.
[11:20] D.A. Animal Meat <REZ> SF1:  (expire=2016-04-26 remain=3)
[11:27] ŐℜİA watched as the sun slowly began to set  and she continued her job of cleaning the innards of the tabuk. Like many animals of the Plains, the wagon people utilize almost everything.
[11:45] ŐℜİA finished up the hard task of cleaning all of the parts she removed from the tabuk. she wrapped each one with a cloth for meats then placed them into the cold box for storage. The larger pieces of meat and muscle she rubbed with salt for preservation.
[11:47] ŐℜİA then stood back for a moment, then cleaned up the mess she made in the kitchen, before running off to clean her body of dirt and blood.

Tavern work


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