Smoked Kaiila

 13:32]  Kutai walks over the plains, then suddenly hears the sound of a kaiila in panic. He is immediate alarmed and runs towards the source of the sound, it comes from the river
[13:33]  Kutai hears the sound of a fight , splashing of water, a kaiila in a death strungle, strange sounds of a predator. He takes his lance, for it might be a larl, or a wild prairie slee which has grabbed one of the kaiila from the maket
[13:37]  Kutai carefully sneaks to the water, the sounds are lessened, he looks over a small hill, and then sees a cruesome sight. A kailla, her head under water, her body covered with vicious deep cuts, and the assassin, a 2,5 meter big male tumit, bending over the dead body, the killer weapon her razorsharp beak ready to eat from the poor mount
[13:39]  Kutai walks bowed to the tumit, his long lance ready, a tumit has no chance at all against a nomad lance of the plains, the 2,5 meter long weapon keeps the non flying bird at a safe distance, the steel point of the lance stabs the beast once or twice in the legs, after a silent fight, the monsterbird retreats,
[13:42]  Nadi moves quickly away from the large turmit at the river bank knowing how they could easily do harm to a slave with their sharp beaks
[13:44]  Kutai sees to the animal in the water.He quickly sees its lost, its drowned , also weakened by the stabs of the tumit beat. Kutai takes some ropes and attach those to the kaiila legs and around the neck. He frees it from the sadle and riding blanket, which he lefts at the river shore for the owner. He attaches the other ends of the dragging ropes to the sadle of a strong burden kaiila and let the dead animal be slept to the wagon of Aphris, who is responsible for cooking.
[13:49]  Nadi watches the Master as he attempts to remove the dead kaiila from the river. Shades her deep lavender eyes with her hands looking up an down the river for the rider. Hoping he had indeed been spared.
[13:51]  Kutai sees Nadi's worried eyes "i think it was a beast without a rider, one who he let free to graze grass at the plains. A bit stupid since, as we now notice, we have many predators here.
[13:52]  Nadi: yes that was foolish of the rider Master. These turmits are vicious. I saw a slave loose a leg to one once.

[10:34]  Aphris: i have to do some cooking still for the market
[10:34]  Aphris: Kutai delivered a dead kaiila, and now i must smoke the meat
[10:34]  Aphris: you can watch if you want
[10:34]  Deka doo Ampan's tilting head back slightly as the Misstress speak's flick tongue over lips as hear of roasted kaila
[10:35]  Aphris turns around and goes to the smoking installation
[10:35]  shakti nods, cringing, remembering him saying he was going to kill one....could we help Mistress with anything?
[10:36]  Aphris: if you have time you can help
[10:36]  shakti: yes, Mistress
[10:37]  shakti raises and follows Mistress quickly across the short rough grass
[10:38]  Aphris smiles at the slaves "i see you both are not of the plains, I will learn you something"
[10:38]  Deka doo Ampan as small cloud of smoke waft's in humid air eye grow wide
[10:38]  Aphris takes her quiva
[[10:39]  ""Moon_Sha" Brown Kaiila: 17:39>Sanatos version: 3.00 (from Minsha)
[10:39]  shakti smiles at deka as they watch the year keeper, prepare her way at the smoking instalation, smelling the burning wood as the smoke curls to the sky
[10:40]  Deka doo Ampan see's the sharp quiva glimmer in sunlight move closer to shakti
[10:42]  Aphris walks to the dead animal, Kutai delivered it already yesterday, she knows she has to work quick. Since she knows the kajirae are city girls, they can only help at the simple tasks. She bends over the kaiila, and starts sewing open the belly, not mindng her leather dress get dirty. She sees the entrails rolling out but continues working fast
[10:43]  shakti presses her thigh to deka as the kneel, the quiver sharp, the chunks of kailla meat wet and glistening bloody, moves forward to help Mistress pull the gore from the open belly, used to a good deal of hard work
[10:43]  shakti stopping a ihn to drop the bota off her shoulder and get it out of the way
[10:44]  Aphris strong hands continue skinning the kaiila in an efficient way, this is difficult work, only for experienced hands, since the hide of the kaiila nmust be kept in takt since it could serve many other purposes. After twenty minutes hard working, sweat drops from her fore head, she has removed the fur of the animal. she lays the bloody pelt apart, so kajirae can fabricate it later
[10:45]  Aphris looks at the girls "i have removed the fur, so we can use it. Also it must be removed for i can not reach the meat"
[10:46]  shakti trying to stay out of he way, but help as much as possible...yes, Mistress watching th quiver glint in the sunlight
[10:46]  Deka doo Ampan's pulling bota from supple shoulder reaching back for an wicker basket near the tall grass swiping sweat from brow thinking of what herb or dried fruit best dye the fur
[10:47]  Aphris takes another smaller quiva and starts cutting the best parts of the meat, at the upper legs and the flanks of the animal, she cuts it in long thin stripes, laying each stripe of meat aside in the long grass of the plains
[10:48]  Aphris turns to the girls "see, i cut thin stripes, I am going to smoke the meat above a fire, and then the meat can not be to thick. If you roast it, like our kajirae do, you can take thicker parts"
[10:48]  shakti kneels beside Mistress offering to take the strips as she cuts them from the kaiila to lay them as she had shown them
[10:49]  Aphris looks at the eager slave, you can bring them to the smoking kiln
[10:50]  shakti: yes, Mistress...smiling at deka as she eyes the fur, knowing deka well enough to know she thinks of colors it could be dyed with.....lifting the meat to take to the kiln
[10:51]  Aphris continues cutting of the best parts of the meat, and lays the stripes near Shakti. Then she goes to the ribs of the kaiila, and takes a heavier blade now, she puts it at the spine and tries to make the rib loose from the central bones. After a few minutes she manages that. She lays it in the grass and orders the second slave girl "this are meat ribs, i can not smoke them. I will give a few to you, so you can roast them for the visitors"
[10:51]  Aphris works till she got six ribs free and ready to be roasted
[10:52]  shakti (thyme.lordenwych) lays the stris of meat along the rack , making sure she hasnt crowded them but has enough on it, before she slide it into the smoker
[10:52]  Deka doo Ampan eye the large rib bone the fleshy meat blood drip's as ligt dainty hand to receive it
[10:53]  Deka doo Ampan's watching an learning as finger's nimbly search pouch fr
[10:53]  shakti fingers sticky from the blood, coughing a bit as a wind picks up swirling the smoke around her head
[10:55]  Aphris walks to the meat stripes laid near the kiln by Shakti. She takes each stripe and hangs it high in the kiln so the smoke of the wood below heats it. She explains the girls "this is an old custom "smoking meat, or fish. Smoked meat, like dried meat, is prepared so that it stays well for a long period. Fresh meat will rot, Smoked meat not, and it gets a special flavour of the wood smoke"

The slaves roasted the ribs

[2012-03-24 11:17:31]  shakti drops the bota's at the tent as deka leaves the tray of ribs, spotting a tree that may have dropped some branches to use to cook the meat over the fire
[2012-03-24 11:18:27]  Deka doo Ampan's nod's head 6 large rib bloody lay on tray as we gather twig an bit's of dead grass
[2012-03-24 11:18:41]  shakti circles the tee quickly selecting the best branches and sticks for the job
[2012-03-24 11:19:15]  shakti smiling at deka...your Jarl has already got the fire blazing....that will hekp
[2012-03-24 11:19:46]  shakti holding up the wood she found, you think these will do?
[2012-03-24 11:20:02]  Deka doo Ampan 's bright eye hand carefully search thick green grass as looks back at My Jarl as he start's the fire
[2012-03-24 11:20:03]  zocern Ampan: yes i did i was geting cold smiels
[2012-03-24 11:20:57]  shakti stepping back under the tented covering, her arms full of wood she settles beside deka as she salts the ribs
[2012-03-24 11:21:25]  shakti: stepping back under the tented covering, her arms full of wood she settles beside deka as she salts the ribs
[2012-03-24 11:21:47]  Hakimba turns to the outrider.. welcome here.. i am hakimba and this is my girl nadi
[2012-03-24 11:22:06]  shakti hearing the rustle of leather she looks up to see one of the outriders and his girl...greetings, Master
[2012-03-24 11:22:07]  Nadi: smiles softly. *Greetings Master*
[2012-03-24 11:22:07]  Hakimba: greetings girls
[2012-03-24 11:22:16]  Nadi: Tal kajirae
[2012-03-24 11:22:31]  zocern Ampan: Tal sir
[2012-03-24 11:22:42]  zocern Ampan: greeting
[2012-03-24 11:22:51]  shakti: smiling warmly at the kajira...taking the first rib from deka
[2012-03-24 11:22:52]  Hakimba: Tal
[2012-03-24 11:23:03]  Deka doo Ampan dainty hand slide over the thick bloody kaila rib's smoke waft's glad be under tent hear's boot's an soft feet step's Greetign Master
[2012-03-24 11:24:02]  shakti doing her best to hook the rib on the branch before standing to place the branch and hanging kaiila rib over the fire
[2012-03-24 11:24:48]  shakti blushing as she does not sure at all she's doing it right, but sure they will have cooked meat
[2012-03-24 11:25:35]  Deka doo Ampan smile's at nadi whisper well meet nudging shakti wiggling blood coated finger an hand's
[2012-03-24 11:26:58]  shakti takes the second and third rib from deka, selecting another branch large enough for both, her finger strong as she pushes it through the thick meat of the kaiila rib
[2012-03-24 11:27:14]  Hakimba smiles at the busy cooking girls
[2012-03-24 11:27:27]  Deka doo Ampan's ocean blue eye's watching as hand the rib's toward shakti
[2012-03-24 11:27:33]  Nadi: My Master do you wish something to drink or eat
[2012-03-24 11:27:49]  zocern Ampan: smiels at my girl and shakti cooking smielsat them
[2012-03-24 11:28:41]  Nadi wonders if the Mistress has given permission to cook, knowing she is very strick, sets close to her Master waiting for the Mistress return
[2012-03-24 11:29:09]  Hakimba: well probably she is too busy
[2012-03-24 11:29:44]  shakti leaning the branch against the first, making sure it hangs above the flames she picks up a branch handing it to deka, "you get one, i'll get the last to ribs...hoping she is following the Mistresses orders as well as she remembers"
[2012-03-24 11:30:23]  Nadi: My Master, can nadi help the girls with the preparing of the feast?
[2012-03-24 11:30:42]  Hakimba: yes nadi you are allowed
[2012-03-24 11:30:48]  Deka doo Ampan's feeling dry humid heat as taking the branch hold tight gulp's as hoping as well Misstress instruction
[2012-03-24 11:31:16]  Nadi: I thank you My Master. unfolding long strong legs moves to the kajirae to assist in anyway she can.
[2012-03-24 11:31:43]  shakti hooking the two ribs, deka gave her onto the wood, reaching carefully to place it over the fire, smiling at deka as she takes the last pievce from her and leans it over the other

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