Victoria Creek Village, Plant Festival

[10:58]  MaryClaire: laughs hearing the Master call out...
[10:58]  Fritha: fine cloth! Fine cheese! From the farms of Saleria!
[10:58]  Zane: so what else is on the block here today aside from this sword tourny Victorians?
[10:58]  Aphris looks around at the market, she hears combat training in the back ground
[10:58]  Fritha: verr and hurt wool cloth, from our own sheep!
[10:58]  Hakimba: Tal Free greetings slaves
[10:58]  varrich: tal lady
[10:59]  MaryClaire shouts: Smiles gently at every Master not having entered the tournement yet.. please Register yourself at the board in the Back of thearena..
[10:59]  varrich: might i interest you in some tarsk meat, or vulo eggs , larma or perhaps suls and carrots?
[10:59]  Chrissy: Greetings All *smiles*

[10:59]  Fritha: fine cheese! Matured at least 3 moons
[11:00]  varrich Steamweaver: we have much to offer we grown them on our farms in rose isle. Good fertile soil,
[11:00]  Hakimba: thank you Sir but i have strained my shoulder so i cant join the tournament
[11:00]  MaryClaire: then giggles softly.. any Master not registering for the sword tournement will be called upon for the dunk the Master fun near th creek... winks making the joke
[11:01]  Aphris hears carrots, a forbidden food, because from the ground, at the wagonnpeople, and shakes no "n, thak you Sir, i am not very hungry"
[11:01]  Zane grins
[11:01]  Zane kisses his girls head and then squeezes Kati's hand" be safe, see you soon, Fina at noon tounry
[11:01]  Hakimba shudders food from the ground
[11:02]  Zane: I better go pay attention.."chuckles wiping the sweat from his brow
[11:02]  Afya: smiles up to him
[11:02]  Afya: yes my Master good luck
[11:02]  varrich: how about tarsk meat
[11:02]  varrich: surely it must be a rarity
[11:03]  varrich: or perhaps larma
[11:03]  Aphris sees a price bosk and walks towards it, leaving Hakimba negotiating with the food merchant
[11:03]  Hakimba: oh yes meat is good food from any beast
[11:03]  varrich: That be talendar,
[11:03]  Theoden shouts: everyone click the board
[11:03]  varrich: she is a good bosk she works hard....i only have the one.
[11:03]  Kevin: tal pretty one looking at meiko
[11:03]  MaryClaire: Pulls Master blacksmith at His leg.. laughs as He is startled and jumps up high...
[11:03]  Kevin: nice crowd and more coming
[11:04]  varrich: i live on a tiny farm so i do not have much room
[11:04]  Kevin: eeks
[11:04]  Blue shouts: everyone has
[11:04]  MaryClaire: Master.. would you volunteer at the dunk the Master fun?
[11:04]  Kevin: oh yea right
[11:04]  Fritha: aye so it be, sir, and I be glad to see so many folk here
[11:04]  Kevin: only if I have to
[11:04]  Kevin: oh?
[11:04]  Kevin: I made my first coal bag
[11:04]  Fritha: I do hope it means that we trade well this day
[11:04]  MaryClaire laughs.. well you could escape of course.nodding her head in the direction of the arena
[11:04]  varrich: i also have vulo eggs as well
[11:05]  Brigit shouts: IF everyone ready I will close the lists.
[11:05]  Kevin: ha ha ha
[11:05]  Gill: i rises sofly to smooth the hand woven hurt cloth
[11:05]  varrich: and you sir, anything of interest, this is tarsk meat not bosk meat
[11:05]  Hakimba Oakleaf views the rich offering of good meat
[11:05]  MaryClaire Davidov: not sure tho what would be preferable.. laughs.. wetted by water or blood.. giggles
[11:05]  Kevin Paelus: yea
[11:05]  varrich Steamweaver: i have smoked, frehs and salted tarsk meat
[11:05]  GM 4.02 shouts: Alexandre with autoshoot active Has Captured Zane!
[11:05]  Kevin: either one will kill me
[11:05]  varrich: suls and carrots
[11:05]  varrich: vulo eggs and larma
[11:05]  varrich: all grown on my farm
[11:05]  Kevin: see my sack?
[11:06]  Hakimba:  well i would like to take some of the tarsk meat
[11:06]  Kevin: don't like the color but I'll work on it later
[11:06]  MaryClaire laughs softly.. there will be somebody pulling from the water Master I am sure..
[11:06]  Kevin need to adjust the text too
[11:06]  varrich: which kind sir i have fresh salted and smoked
[11:06]  varrich: and many many cuts.
[11:06]  Fritha: it do look well, sir
[11:06]  Gill i fine made rep cloth and verr cloth
[11:06]  Kevin: Ty LAdy
[11:06]  Kevin: just made it this morning
[11:07]  Hakimba: i prefer smoked as i am not such used with salt because we dont have a lot at the plains
[11:07]  MaryClaire: hugs His leg slightly.. wow.. you brouyght cole as well
[11:07]  Kevin: yea
[11:07]  Fritha: fine cloth! Rep for the kajra, best verr wool for the lady, or gentleman!
[11:07]  Kevin: got to run and get my branding set
[11:07]  MaryClaire: do you have the fire burning already for branding Master?
[11:07]  varrich: the salt is used to preserve the meat but the smoked is done in my smoking house with larma wood to give it a rather sweet taste.
[11:07]  Kevin: yes
[11:08]  Gill rich blues of the vosk sorp
[11:08]  varrich: I can sell you a crate of smoked tarsk or individual cuts
[11:08]  varrich: each crate i s a half a tarsk.
[11:08]  MaryClaire: turns her gaze to the stalls with fine cloth,, being unable to resist a fine silk...
[11:08]  Hakimba sounds really good
[11:08]  varrich: you wish a crate of salt tarks?
[11:09]  varrich: oh sorry smoked tarks
[11:09]  Fritha: fine cheese! Verr and bosk milk cheese!
[11:09]  Hakimba: ho but the deciding question is.. what is your prize?
[11:09]  Gill each cloth hand made on Rose Isle
[11:09]  Aphris hears the compition in Bosk cheese selling
[11:09]  varrich: 30 coppers for a half a tarsk cut butchered and smoked in a crate
[11:09]  Fritha: no finer woven cloth than this be, ladies and gentlemen!
[11:10]  MaryClaire: being drawn to the cloths.. g=her eyes peeking to all the wonderful colors
[11:10]  Hakimba: 30 coppers hey Sir do you think we have a coppermine ot the plains?
[11:10]  varrich: it includes 20 smoked tarsk chops, 2 smoked roasts 2 smoked hams, tarsk sausage, 3 racks of smoked tarsk rribs
[11:10]  Brigit shouts: Test ... Rest AND Stand Ready
[11:10]  Gill: smiles as the girl comes closer "aye tis soft Hurt wool...from the fields of Rose Isle"
[11:11]  varrich: tarsk bacon and 4 stone of my tarsk sausage botht he breakfast links made with savory herbs and the smoked tarsk and larma sausage.
[11:11]  Fritha: how about a new rep cloth camisk to please your master, lass?
[11:11]  Gill takes a fold and thorws it over the counter
[11:11]  MaryClaire: it looks so beautiful Mistress.. sighs as she not allowed to purchase any herself
[11:11]  Gill runs her slender fingers over the soft warm cloth
[11:11]  Fritha: ah, but maybe 'ee can tip your master the wink, eh? *smiles at her*
[11:11]  MaryClaire: I do love the different reds.. smiles...
[11:11]  varrich: it is a deal at those prices.
[11:12]  varrich: but what do you think is fair for so much meat?
[11:12]  Hakimba nestles in his pocket and after some time his hand shows 15 coppers... sorry that is all i can afford .. how much can you give me for this amount?
[11:12]  Fritha: aye, we do find as red be our most popular colour
[11:12]  Aphris is looking around for peaches, but does notnotice them between the wagons of the market
[11:12]  MaryClaire: laughs.. I think my Master had to go unexpectedly at this point.. but, winks tilting her head winking slyly.. I am sure I can talk my Mistress into it.. giggles
[11:13]  Fritha: luckily, we do have an unique old dye station as we use for our shades
[11:13]  varrich: well probably not a whole crate....i would have to give you much less. it is of course more pricey for the indificual cuts as they crates are prepacked. but i tell you what if you can do 27 i will let you have the crate of smoked tarsk meat.
[11:13]  Gill the blues are rare drom the blood of the sorp
[11:13]  Gill: from
[11:13]  Gill caught in our own swamps
[11:13]  Fritha: aye, as we do live on a tributary of the Vosk, we can catch the sorp, 'ee see
[11:13]  MaryClaire: nods hearing some about the cloth is made.. 'must be a difficlut process Mistress..''
[11:14]  Fritha: so it be, and I'm glad that Rose be an expert at it
[11:14]  Gill and oh the reds!..........
[11:14]  Gill: did you ever see such rich and warrior reds!
[11:14]  MaryClaire: sighs missing her Master.. my Master loves the color Red..
[11:15]  Gill: soft as the gorean night and warm as a Masters arms
[11:15]  Fritha : aye, any rarius would feel proud to be seen in a red such as that
[11:15]  MaryClaire: I would love to make Him some nice clothes..
[11:15]  Hakimba smiles
[11:15]  MaryClaire giggles.. I do have to talk my Mistress into it....
[11:16]  Hakimba well sir i am glad with this deal ... gives the coppers to you
[11:16]  Fritha: well, we do have just what she needs for her new gown
[11:16]  varrich: of course and i will throw in a bag of larma for you as well
[11:16]  MaryClaire Davidov already starts making the sevral layers in her mind... then asking Mistress: 'do you have really dark Crimson cloth Mistress'?
[11:16]  Hakimba: oh you are really genrous Sir
[11:17]  Fritha: well, we can dye such
[11:17]  Gill: come now good strong Rep cloth...
[11:17]  varrich: the larms come from my trees.
[11:17]  Blue shouts: Anyone wants to watch there is a balacony
[11:18]  Gill: cheese fresh cheese
[11:18]  Aphris hears a familiar voice, that of Blue, and says "the tournament begins, lets go to the arena"
[11:19]  Nadi: quickly ties rence cords around the bags of well wrapped meat....pullls it together....lifting it to her shoulders...hoping she can carry the load safely
[11:19]  Hakimba takes the big package of food .. " this will be a special plasure when i am back home"
[11:19]  Gill leans over the counter and smooths the warm Hurt cloth
[11:19]  Theoden shouts: ready
[11:19]  varrich: do not forget your larma
[11:19]  varrich: smile
[11:19]  Alexandre shouts: lets see some blood
[11:19]  Dark shouts: ready
[11:20]  Gill  her curves caressing the warm fabric
[11:20]  varrich: in the ag inforont of you.
[11:20]  Aphris walks to the arena
[11:20]  Brigit shouts: AND ... FIGHT
[11:20]  Hakimba: so we may procced to watch the tournament
[11:20]  Brigit laughs "think they went before I said"
[11:20]  GM 4.02 shouts: Theoden with autoshoot active Has Captured Dark!
[11:20]  Sword V8.36/E Victoria Tournament: Dark channell 113 for your fallen message  -  channell - 113 off  to clear messages - thx for buying FATA Weapons -  enjoy  -  kiss  -  FATA
[11:21]  GM 4.02: Dark has recovered!
[11:21]  Alexandre: bravo!
[11:21]  Marlene shouts: gooo Theo!!
[11:21]  Theoden: good sword
[11:21]  Dark: good steel
[11:21]  Brigit applaudes the winner and then also the loser
[11:21]  Blue nods "Good steel men carry on carry on" -waves his hand loftily-

[11:31]  Blue Conover: ¸.•*•.¸You have been weighed.¸.•*•.¸
[11:31]  Blue Conover: ¸.•*•.¸You have been measured.¸.•*•.¸
[11:31]  Blue Conover: ¸.•*•.¸And you have absolutely....¸.•*•.¸
[11:31]  Blue Conover: ¸.•*•.¸.Have been found wanting¸.•*•.¸
[11:31]  Blue Conover: ¸.•*•.¸Welcome to Blue's world. as God didnt save you.. and it was right He did not do so¸.•*•.¸

[11:56]  GM 4.02 shouts: Blue Conover with autoshoot active Has Captured Theoden Resident!
[11:56]  Kevin: come clse to the fence and you can see sugar
[11:56]  Alexandre shouts: good fight warriors, a good performance
[11:56]  Marlene shouts: Good fight to you both!
[11:56]  MaryClaire: sets herself net to the Master in red whispering softly paga Master?
[11:56]  Sugarplum: yes my Master
[11:56]  Brigit: Tournament to BLUE

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