Mustard powder

-------------------- Des & Nori --------------------
[08:01] Nori Boa walks over to where the other girl is working and find a bowl and a pestel and takes some mustard seeds and grinds them watching the other girl doing it to make sure she does it right
[08:03] Nori Boa: *smiles* my Master calls me nori
[08:03] des: Well met nori
[08:04] Nori Boa: well met destiny
[08:07] des: destiny grinds the seeds into a fine powder as she has done many times before, working to make sure every seed is ground. Then taking the sack and carefully placing the ground mustard powder in making sure no unground seeds are there.
[08:08] des: Des reaches in the seed bag and places more in the mortor and begins the process all over again working the arms and wrists,grasping tightly to the pestal.
[08:10] des: strong hands work the pestle and the seeds are worked into a fine powder as the seeds are crushed
[08:11] Nori Boa grinds the seeds in her bowl making them into a fine powder, she pours the powder into the bag she seen destiny pour hers into and pours more seeds into her bowl grabbing the pestel she slowly starts crushing the seeds making sure to break them all open and starts working faster crushing and grinding them
[08:13] dest: Destiny gets a good rythum going and making sure sure every seed is crushed fills the bag and gets more seeds,never getting too many but just the right amount so the are all crushed quickly and more effeciently.
[08:15] Nori Boa looking into her bowl she notices they are all crushed and all that remains is powder and she pours it into the bag and gets more seeds repeating the process
[08:16] des: The seeds worked into a fine powder and the seeds all crushed as des scrpaes the powder into the bag and begins again getting the seeds and placing them into the mortor
[08:18] destinydare: As the seeds are being crushed des thinks about the the bosks needing to be milked
[08:20] des: des works the pestal hard wanting to get as much done for Master as possible making sure each seed is crushed and the fine power is place in the bag again as nimble fingers scrape the sides and make sure every bit of the powder is in the bag.
[08:21] Nori Boa finishes grinding whats in her bowl she hears her Master call for her "May I be excused Master, I hear my Master yelling for me"
[08:21] des: des scoops more seeds and begins again smiling warmly at Master and his lovely girl.
[08:21] Kutai: yes, you are allowed
[08:21] Nori Boa: Thank you Master
[08:24] des: Des works the mustard seeds smiling at Master hoping to please him by getting this chore done quickly and effciently as possible.
[08:25] des: des switches back and forth with the grinding from right to left (as I am ambidextress) working the seeds hard and getting the fine powder as quickly as possible.
[08:29] des: the seeds are now in a fine powder and the fine mustard powder is scraped out nadplaced in the sack once again
[08:31] des: des gets more seeds and places them in the mortor The aroma fills the air with the pungen but pleasant aroma of the crushed seeds. des grinds away happy to be of service to Master.
[08:33] Kutai looks a the hardworking slave at the crate with the mortar
[08:33] Kutai: "maybe you should take a rest and serve me a paga first"
[18:47] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): greetigns kazi, nori, leorah and nadi
[18:48] Nori Boa (noria.lavender): hi b :)
[18:48] Nara Zsun: we are doing a camp chore want to help???
[18:48] Nara Zsun: we are making mustard to trade for items the camp needs.
[18:49] Nori Boa (noria.lavender): maybe me and you nadi can grind the seeds and Kazi and Leorah and lil b can make the mustard??
[18:49] Kazuka: i will scoop the mustard by a bowl and pass to you
[18:51] Kazuka kneels near the basket, grabs a bowl and scoops the seeds with the smell of mustad
[18:51] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): let me know what i need to do to help.
[18:52] If you will start the pots an cook the mustard that would help lil b.
[18:52] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) takes the seeds from kazi and puts them in the bowl and starts grinding them with the pestle releasing the aroma as I grind them
[18:52] Kazuka looks at nori's face and and passes the bowl to her
[18:53] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): ok
[18:55] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) checking to see that all of the seeds are ground she softly steps to the side and dumps the powder into the basket and then scoops up more seeds and places them into the bowl and start grinding again
[18:55] Nara Zsun: smiles at kazi, may I have some more seeds to grind....dumping the fluffly yellow powder into the basket beside kazi.
[18:56] Kazuka feels nadi's gaze and scoops the seeds again and approaches her, hands off the bowl filled by the seeds
[18:57] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) she starts to hum as she is grinding the seeds, swaying a little side to side to relieve the silence
[18:57] Nara Zsun: feeling the soft breeze from across the plains moving through her hair....the hot sun beating down on the kajirae, smiles knowing the chore will go much faster an the Haruspex will soon have mustard to trade for needed supplies in the camp.[18:59] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): well if im gonna use hot water then its mild mustard
[19:00] Kazuka coughs a bit as the powder of the mustard wafting as Nori glinds the seeds.
[19:00] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) hands the bowl of ground powder to kazi
[19:01] Kazuka received the bowl, lifts up at her chest, goes to Barb, softly speaking "is this good, barb?"
[19:01] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte) starts to pour water into the pot and then vinegar and other liquids to get them hot for the ground up mustard seeds[19:02] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): looks at the bowl and takes it from kazi " yes this is fine
[19:02] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) scoops up more seeds and places them in the bowl and begins grinding them again humming a new song
[19:03] Kazuka covers her ears and speaks "your song is very nice!" and adds "more seeds?"
[19:04] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) giggles at kazi's reaction and stops humming, checking the seeds and says "Not yet, these aren't finished yet."
[19:04] Nara Zsun: sits back on her heels, wiping her hand across her forehead, the beads of sweat from the hot sun and the cooking fire showing on tanned kajira flesh. Hands beginning to ache ...nadi starts to use two hands to grind the seeds. Snickers at kazi seeing her hands over her ears.
[19:04] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte) holds the bowl unil starting o see the pot starting to bubble, starts to sprinkle the ground up seeds into the pat and starts to stir it to mix them all together
[19:06] Kazuka clasps another bowl and scoops up to fill it, then waiting for her sisters finished to grind the seeds. Spring breeds tears chocolate long hair tied by red ribbon in the air of southern plains
[19:06] Nara Zsun: sniffs the air....the pugent smell of the mustard seeds an vinegar stings her nose and leaves a bitter taste in her mouth...licking her lips smiling
[19:07] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) hands the bowl of ground seeds to kazi and takes the bowl of fresh seeds and starts to grind them, smiling at kazi
[19:08] Kazuka stands on feet, receives the bowl from Nori, looks at leorah's face "can you bring this to barb?"
[19:08] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte) keeps stiring it and watching it get thicker , to check to see if it is done lifts the spoon with some of the mustard on it and taps her figer on the spoon to get some on her finger and taste it ... ok this pot is done do we have smaler pots or jars to put it in
[19:09] leorah (serenitymiller): ok... *she takes the bowl from kazi, and takes it over to b*
[19:09] leorah (serenitymiller): here you go b.... ready for you
[19:10] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): looks at leorah and smiles " yes the other pot has started to boil now , take the bowl from her and sprinkles the powder into the mixture
[19:11] leorah (serenitymiller): good.. do you have enough vinegar?
[19:11] Nara Zsun: here leorah....turning with her stone bowl...dumps the mustard powder into leorah's bowl. May I have some more seeds kazi...holds her bowl out to kazi
[19:11] leorah (serenitymiller): *turns to nadi... holds out the bowl to her*
[19:11] Kazuka looks around and she alsoi start to hum with happiness to work with nice sisters but stops as feels Nori's gaze on her
[19:11] Nara Zsun: smiles thank you...grins up to leorah
[19:11] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) starting to get into a rhythym she grinds the seeds faster, checking to see if they are all ground, smiling that they are she picks the bowl up and walks over to Leorah and pours the powder into her bowl and says to kazi "Can I have more seeds please?"
[19:12] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): starts to mix the other pot now mixing them all together
[19:12] Kazuka smiles at Nori and passes a bowl she has already scooped up the seeds.
[19:12] leorah (serenitymiller): no problem, she replies, and mustard seed powder fils her bowl from all directions, she carries it back over to b*
[19:12] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): nadi , do we have something to put the mustard that is finished in
[19:13] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) takes the bowl from kazi and uses the pestel to grind the seeds hearing them crunch and crack under the pressure she applies
[19:13] Nara Zsun: lil b let me know when you think the first batch is done...I will run to the Mistress's wagon for the small pots she left there
[19:13] leorah (serenitymiller): probably should have figured that out before hand... *she says, voicing her thought aloud with a giggle*
[19:14] lil 'b (barbara.lacourte): the first batch is jut about done
[19:14] Kazuka turns head to Nadi "you need more seeds?". The smell of Mustard flows with the movement of barb
[19:15] Nara Zsun: kk let me run I will be right back...standing, stretching her aching legs....runs to the Mistress's wagon
[19:19] Nara Zsun: scurrying back, juggling a large stack of bowls, here are the bowls the Mistress wishes us to use...I didn't bring the lids..only the bowls....we can fill them then seal them after they cool. Smiles at lil b watching her stir the now thick rich yellow mixture
[19:20] Nara Zsun: kneels an again starts to grind the seeds. I think this is fine enough leorah...holding her bowl up to leorah to dump in hers.
[19:21] leorah (serenitymiller): *waits for the mustard to be ready so she can fill the bowls that nadi brought back*
[19:21] leorah (serenitymiller): *turns to nadi to take again more powder for the next batch, she sets it beside b until she needs it
[19:21] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) looks at the seeds in her bowl and seeing they were all ground she looks at Leorah " do you have enough room in your bowl for more?" as she holds out her bowl
[19:22] Nara Zsun: May I have some more seeds kazi...smiles at the beauty watching as she scoops down deep in the bottom of the basket...looks like we are almost finished....a broad toothy smile covers her face
[19:23] leorah (serenitymiller): oh.. i have to get another bowl nori... *she pauses* here.. we can use one of these bowls, because it will be emptied into the pot in just a minute.. *she says, picking up one of the bowls to be used for packaging*
[19:24] Kazuka nods at Nadi, scoops up seeds and extends arm to her to hand off the bowl, watcthing Nadi's beautiful face covered with sheen of perspiration
[19:24] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) dumps the powder in the bowl and looks to kazi "may I have more seeds please?"
[19:25] Nara Zsun: thank you smiles....oh looks at the basket beside leorah is the ladle to scoop the mustard, turns smiling hands to large ladle to leorah
[19:25] Kazuka: "yes, Nori", grabs another empty bowl from ground near her, scoops again the seeds and passes it to Nori with smiles
[19:25] leorah (serenitymiller): oh good, thanks *she says, taking the ladle, as b gestures that it is done*
[19:26] Nori Boa (noria.lavender) takes the bowl and begins grinding the seeds
[19:26] leorah (serenitymiller): *she takes the ladle to the pot as b removes it from the flame, she adds the other kettle to the fire and adds the first ingredients*
[19:27] leorah (serenitymiller): *she kneels down and begins ladling the hot mustard into the small vessels carefully, not wanting to spill any*
[19:27] Nara Zsun: finishes her last batch of seeds...stirring the fine powder. Stands an dumps it into the pot next to leorah watching lil b stirring it.
[19:29] leorah (serenitymiller): *she sets filled pots aside and stands to collect more of the powder from nadi... as b emptties the pot and basket of powder already collected*
[19:30] Nara Zsun: kneeling in front of leorah holds the bowl for her to ladle in the mustard....setting each on the ground to cool as she fills them nearly to the top....
[19:30] Kazuka rises on feet and watches Nori grinds seeds, awaiting her to finish the work
[19:35] Nara Zsun: (( thank you kazi we will edit an get this to the Mistress thank youooooooo)
[19:35] leorah (serenitymiller): *stops her work momentarily, since she was waiting for the next batch of mustard to be ready*
[19:35] leorah (serenitymiller): bright greetings my Master!!
[19:35] Nara Zsun: Greetings Master...did you smell the mustard smiles.
[19:35] Hawke (pegasus.firehawk): smiles.
[19:36] Running to the Mistress's wagon, gathers the lids for the jars of mustard. Returning folds her muscular tanned legs. Adjusting each lid, makes sure they are sealed tightly. Stands up with a large smile looks from girl to girl, all with satisfied smiles on their faces, rubbing their sore limbs.
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