Safi gets freed


[9:24]  Scarlett Elan: Greetings my master
[9:24]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: Tal Safi
[9:24]  Scarlett Elan: Greetings Mistress
[9:24]  Aphris Myoo: Tal girl
[9:25]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: I have invited the yearkeeper of the Kataii, Lady Aphris, have you met her before?
[9:25]  Scarlett Elan: sure that I meet this mistress after
[9:33]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: come closer Safi
[9:34]  Scarlett Elan: yes master
[9:34]  Aphris Myoo sees the slave is very nervous, she wonders what it is
[9:34]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: Aphris I need you for an official document, I need you in your function as a yearkeeper
[9:34]  Scarlett Elan yes a bit nervous..becouse I ask at master a favour
[9:36]  Aphris Myoo nods as she hears Kutaituchik "Kutai, you are a friend, i will help you, always, we nomads must work as one hand, the tribes are 4 fingers, the omens the thumb"
[9:36]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: I have decided to free this slave girl Safi and if possible return to Earth, your friend An'taa gives me the possibilities
[9:37]  Scarlett Elan looks at the master...thinking at her family in eart..
[9:37]  Aphris Myoo: to free a slave? always you have been a romantic fool, Kutai. But she is your property, you can do with her what you like
[9:38]  Scarlett Elan says...master..safi ha nostalgia della famiglia e della terra..
[9:38]  Scarlett's translator: / me says ... .. safi master's longing for family and earth ..
[9:39]  Scarlett's says maybe Master generous safi ... she has always served us well ... and maybe understand that now wants to return to his beloved land
[9:39]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov grabs Safi at the collar and pulls her closer. He let his hand stroke a last time of her body, feeling the firm flesh "yes, I am an old fool, but mind that my name bearer the long dead ubar freed his slave too, she became the mother of Kamchak, Ubar San
[9:39]  Scarlett Elan: her beloved land
[9:40]  Scarlett's feel his rough hands on skin
[9:40]  Aphris Myoo: don't teach the yearkeeper in history Kutai, get on, and free the wench
[9:41]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov takes a small key from a hidden pouch, he looks at and then at Safi, his loyal slave, alwas eager in the furs, he will miss her soft sweet talking, he will miss the screams of her yielding to him. He puts the key in the collar lock and twists it
[9:42]  Scarlett Elan feels the metalic sound of the key..
[9:42]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov feels that the collar springs open and ifts it of her neck "you rae free now Safi, you are now a respectable women, get your slef some decent dress in one of the wagons"
[9:43]  Scarlett Elan sente una strana sensazione sul collo....porta la mano sul collo e vede che is graffiato dal collare
[9:43]  Scarlett's feels a strange sensation on my neck .... puts his hand on her neck and sees that is scratched from the collar
[9:43]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov throws the collar at the dais
[9:43]  Scarlett Elan guarda con occhi commossi il vecchio master....e con gli occhi lo ringrazia
[9:43]  Scarlett's  looks with amazed eyes the old master .... and thanks him with eyes
[9:44]  Scarlett Elan says...master non ti dimentichero' mai....e forse ti incontrero' ancora nei miei sogni
[9:44]  Scarlett's  says ... do not forget master 'ever .... and maybe you will meet' again in my dreams
[9:44]  Aphris Myoo: Is she to be a Tuchuk woman Kutai, then I will give her the dold nose ring which seperates us from those ugly city females who hide their face behind a dirty and dusty piece of textile
[9:44]  Scarlett Elan smiles at free woman and thanks for this
[9:45]  Aphris Myoo gives the former slave a piece of cloth to get covered a bit
[9:45]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: put it on Safi
[9:46]  Scarlett Elan thanks for the dress Aphris
[9:46]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: will you make her manumission papers Aphris?
[9:46]  Aphris Myoo: hehe, i will but in return I want some of the tabuk meat you shot last saturday, the Kataii need a variation in the diet
[9:47]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: thats fair, I will give you one leg with hoof to make soup of, and one big hindleg to roast it above a fire
[9:47]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: You can find the meat in the chilla next to the tavern
[9:48]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: you are free Safi, you can always return

----------------------- RP continues at tasta Torvis shuttle of acquisition-----------------------------
[9:49]  Teleport completed from
[9:50]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: come
[9:51]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: take a seat
[9:51]  Scarlett Elan: what is?
[9:51]  Scarlett's translator: what is?
[9:51]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: i must start this priestking shuttle
[9:52]  Scarlett Elan: space navel?
[9:52]  Scarlett Elan: what is Kutai?
[9:52]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov seeks the anti gravity button and looks of Safi is seated
[9:52]  Scarlett Elan: Kutai before a kiss
[9:52]  Scarlett Elan: kissss
[9:52]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: hold yourself firm, we are leaving the planet Gor
[9:52]  Scarlett Elan: ohh
[9:53]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov presses the start button and immediate he feels the ship lifting up on her zero gravity plates, he looks out side and quickly see the surface becoming blur, then the planet changes into a globe. He steer the ship towards the sun, closing the eye prtection and heat shileds agains the suns radiation
[9:54]  Scarlett Elan commossa per la generosita' del Master
[9:55]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov notices he passes the sun easily and already is clse to Earth, he seeks an orbit out of sight of American espionage satelites, abut the Russians he does not wory
[9:55]  Scarlett Elan: Venite anche voi sulla terra, Kutai?
[9:55]  Scarlett's "Come along on the ground, Kuta?"
[[9:56]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov sets the coordinates for the landing procedure and sets in a landing in the southern pats of Siberia, A pity that Safi can not speak that language, but she will be back on Earth and out of sight of Gorean slavers. He feels how the shuttle lands.
[9:56]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: we are back on Earth
[9:56]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: stand up
[[9:56]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: I bring you outside
[9:58]  Tjga Radikal schreeuwt: платную ?
[9:59]  Yulia Loorden schreeuwt: ну да...так не дорого там
[9:59]  Tjga Radikal schreeuwt: Санте уже второй день не платят зарплату.... хотя никогда и не платили...
[9:59]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: you are in Russia now
[9:59]  Scarlett Elan: Dove siamo Kutai adesso
[10:00]  Scarlett Elan: ohhh
[10:00]  Scarlett Elan: lo guardo negli occhi
[10:00]  Scarlett's translator: I look in the eyes
[10:00]  Scarlett Elan: e lo ringrazio con tutto il mio cuore
[10:00]  Scarlett's "and I thank him with all my heart"
[10:00]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov embraces Safi "I wish you wel girl"
[10:01]  Scarlett Elan: I wish you well Kutai
[10:01]  Scarlett's "do not forget you 'ever ..."

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