Selling Sincie

Sunday 7 feb, a french kajira was capped and collared for camp by Kutai, at 9 feb a french merchant Krel from Melicerus came to buy her. For a sack of salt she changed collar, and became Krel's property. Later Kutai and Krel drank paga served by Safi and agreed to set up trade route.


[8:51]  Scarlett looks around and she sees a man...she turns her head and she smiling she says "Greeting Master"
[8:52]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: good eys Safi
[8:52]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: there he is
[8:52]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: Tal sir
[8:53]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: Bonjour
[8:55]  krel: Tal libre
[8:55]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: Tal sir, take a seat at our Dais
[8:56]  krel: je vous remercie * s'approche et s'assoit*
[8:56]  krel's translator: thank you * goes and sits down *
[8:56]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: I heard of Sincie you are interested in the girl as aslave
[8:56]  krel: Aii , la kajira a du charme et si le prix est juste je souhaiterais l'acheter
[8:56]  krel's translator: Aii, the Kajira has charm and the price is right I would buy it
[8:57]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: she is only a camp slave, untrained, her price will not be so high
[8:57]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: at the moment I am needing salt
[8:57]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: if you have a sack of it, its a deal
[8:58]  krel hoche la tete * je dois avoir cela en effet
[8:58]  krel's translator: / me shakes head * I must have this in effect
[8:58]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: what else can you offer
[8:59]  krel: Depose un petit sac de sel devant lui * Pensez vous que ce soit un prix convenable ? Après tout elle est sans formation
[8:59]  krel's translator: Place a small bag of salt before him * Do you think this is a reasonable price? After all, she is untrained
[8:59]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov sees the salt, Safi bring the salt closer"
[9:00]  Scarlett: yes master
[9:00]  Scarlett's translator: yes master
[9:01]  Scarlett takes the bag of salt and aprroaches it at Master
[9:02]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov looks in the bag and sees that is good white salt "its a deal sir, this is good salt, may I know your name for the transaction papers, I am Kutatuchik)
[9:02]  krel: Je suis krel marchand de melicerus
[9:02]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: well met Krel
[9:02]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: may I ask which homestone you are living in
[9:03]  krel: Melicerus est le nom de ma cité
[9:03]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: Sincie come here, i want remove your collar
[9:03]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov weighs the name at his tongue Melicerus, I don't know it, must visit it one day
[9:04]  Scarlett smiles at girl..thinking what beautiful emotion remove the collar.....
[9:04]  krel: Riche emotion oui que d'oter le collier
[9:04]  Sincie: yes rich emotion
[9:05]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov takes the key from his pugh and jerks Sincie close to him, he puts the key in her collar and opens it, the open collar he lays at the daus "go to your new Master, girl, pray to teh Open Sky that you may be pleasing enough that he will give you food and let live"
[9:05]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: She is yours Sir Krel
[9:06]  krel hoche la tête observant celle qui va être sa kajira
[9:06]  krel: Vient pres de moi petite, et assied toi sur ma gauche
[9:06]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: she is untrained but eager, she has the right slave heat
[9:07]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: Safi
[9:07]  krel: Elle sera formée et initiée aux fourrures si elle le mérite
[9:07]  krel's translator: She is trained and initiated into the fur if it deserves
[9:07]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: bring us paga
[9:07]  Scarlett: yes Master
[9:07]  Scarlett: Immediately Master...
[9:08]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: i like it hot
[9:08]  Scarlett: paga for two..chilled o warmed..
[9:08]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: ask Master Krel how he would like it
[9:08]  krel: Me too same as kajira
[9:08]  krel's translator: Me too same as Kajira
[9:08]  Scarlett: yes Master..
[9:09]  Scarlett smiles warmly at the stranger and she whispers softly...two hot paga...three steps back and pushes off the floor gently, walks quietly toward the Inn..
[9:10]  krel: Je suis dans un camp nomade mais je ne reconnais pas votre tribu
[9:10]  krel's translator: I am a nomad camp but I do not recognize your tribe
[9:12]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: this is the Omen Valley, a place of gathering for all tribes, I am the harusphex, which is priest, my tribe is Tuchuk
[9:13]  krel Taurus: Ah les rusées tuchuk
[9:13]  krel's translator: Ah, the cunning tuchuk
[9:14]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov smiles
[9:14]  krel Taurus: je comprends mieux le prix de la kajira * smiles*
[9:14]  krel's translator: I better understand the price of Kajira * smiles *
[9:14]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: yes its good deal for me, i have contact with panters who need salt
[9:15]  krel Taurus: les panters ne sont que de vils animaux qui méritent au mieux le collier
[9:15]  krel's translator: the panters are just vile animals who deserve the best necklace
[9:17]  Scarlett kneel near Master's feet and sets the tray near him, she takes the bowl over her sjin between her firm breast
[9:17]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: I know, i have met panthers before, for instance the Sa Sang Fori of Eliah oh, do you know their tribe?
[9:18]  krel: Hélas oui , j'ai rencontré un panter de cette tribu enfin hélas pour elle car mon arc a été meilleur que le sien
[9:18]  krel's translator: Alas, I encountered a panter this tribe finally unfortunately for her because my bow was better than hers
[9:18]  Scarlett: and softly give a small kiss on the rim and with stretched arms and lowered head she smiles sensually at her Master...and prays silently for her Master wellbeing
[9:19]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov takes the paga from hos slave and starts drinking
[9:19]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: you may serve sir Krel now Safi
[9:19]  krel's translator: But the tribe is big and ferocious and my small town so I quickly exchange
[9:19]  Scarlett gives the paga at her Master saying here is your drink..master
[9:20]  Scarlett waits that Master sips his drink silently..
[9:20]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: yes, its a big tribe. our former first girl has been in that tribe, she was collared by one of our owners, but it was a vicious women, she strangled her mistress and escaped
[9:21]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov sips more from the hot paga
[9:21]  Scarlett looks at stranger...smiling with his bowl of paga in her hand
[9:21]  Scarlett approaches at strange smiling sensually
[9:21]  krel observe la grace de la kajira
[9:22]  Scarlett gives his paga...whispering a small prayer for his wellbeing and lucky
[9:22]  Scarlett: she says...Master may three moons of Gor shine in your path and in the path of your new girl..
[9:23]  krel: * Prend le bol de paga un coup d'oeil appreciateur sur la beauté de la kajira *
[9:23]  krel's translator: * Takes the bowl of paga a glance assessment of the beauty of the Kajira *
[9:23]  Scarlett gives his paga looking sensually in his eyes...
[9:24]  Scarlett returns at Master's feet
[9:24]  krel Taurus: * Hoche la tete souriant de voir le service *
[9:24]  krel's translator: * Nods, smiling to see the service *
[9:24]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov changes the subject
[9:25]  krel: * Boit tranquillement son paga sentant la chaleur l'envahir*
[9:25]  krel's translator: * Drinks his paga quietly feeling the heat invade *
[9:25]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: you are a merchant sir Krel, we of Omen Valley are always willing to trade, we can offer dried bosk meat and excellent bosk cheese
[9:25]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: maybe there is want for that in your city?
[9:25]  krel: Et si vous avez besoin de sel nous pourrons a coup sur faire affaire
[9:25]  krel's translator: And if you need salt we can blow a deal
[9:25]  krel: Ma cité vient d'entrer en guerre
[9:25]  krel's translator: My city has to go to war
[9:26]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: war?
[9:26]  krel: And stocker de la nourriture serait judicieux
[9:26]  krel's translator: And storing food would be wise
[9:26]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: always war, well, we keep our quiva's sharp too
[9:26]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov nods, very wise
[9:27]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: then we will send wagns with meat
[9:27]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: and trade
[9:27]  krel is Online
[9:27]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: ((i saw the name Kazrak in your profile, I heard of him, he is a good man))
[9:27]  krel: Une tres bonne nouvelle pour le conseil de ma cité ainsi nous ne manquerons pas de nourriture
[9:27]  krel's translator: A very good news for the council of my city and we will not miss food
[9:28]  krel: (( he his my associé marchand ))
[9:28]  krel's translator: ((He his my partner merchant))
[9:29]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: ((i don't know him personal, but i had friends in Jotunheim, long ago))
[9:30]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: well
[9:30]  krel: (( il sera heureux de savoir qu'on parle de lui en bien ))
[9:30]  krel's translator: ((Will be pleased to know that speaks well of him))
[9:30]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: so little Sincie the barbarian opens a new trade line in Gor
[9:30]  krel: Aii
[9:30]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: who had though that when she roamed the plains
[9:31]  krel: Il est temps que je retourne dans ma cité annoncé la bonne nouvelle et mettre sincie dans notre kennel
[9:31]  krel's translator: It is time that I return to my city announced the good news, since putting in our kennel
[9:31]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: yes
[9:31]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: do that
[9:31]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: she needs to feel the weight of slavery
[9:31]  krel: * se leve * Tout le bien libre
[9:31]  krel's translator: * Gets up * All the good free
[9:31]  Kutaituchik Kroitschov: all good merchant
[9:32]  krel: sert avec chaleur kajirae
[9:32]  krel's translator: served with heat Kajira
[9:32]  Scarlett: Safe paths Master